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Electrical Units

<^< Derived Units | Course Index | Multiples / Sub-multiples >^>

You will find that the following units and symbols are commonly encountered in electrical circuits. It is important to get to know these units and also to be able to recognize their abbreviations and symbols.

AmpereAIUnit of electric current (a current of 1A flows in an electrical conductor when a charge of 1C is transported in a time interval of 1s)
CoulombCQUnit of electric charge or quantity of electricity (a charge of 1C is transported through an electrical conductor in a time interval of 1s when a current of 1A flows in it)
FaradFCUnit of capacitance (a capacitor has a capacitance of 1F when a charge of 1C results in a potential difference of 1V across its plates)
HenryHLUnit of inductance (an inductor has an inductance of 1H when an applied current changing uniformly at a rate of 1A/s produces a potential difference of 1V across its terminals)
HertzHzfUnit of frequency (a signal has a frequency of 1Hz if one complete cycle occurs in a time interval of 1s)
JouleJEUnit of energy (1J of energy is required to move a force of 1N through a distance of 1m)
OhmΩRUnit of resistance (an electrical conductor has a resistance of 1 ohm when a current of 1A produces a potential difference of 1V across it)
SecondstUnit of time (this is a fundamental unit)
SiemenSGUnit of conductance (the reciprocal of resistance)
TeslaTBUnit of magnetic flux density (a flux density of 1T is produced when a flux of 1Wb is present over an area of 1 square metre)
VoltVVUnit of electric potential (a potential difference of 1V appears across a resistance of 1 ohm when a current of 1A is flowing in it)
WattWPUnit of power (equal to 1J of energy consumed in a time of 1s)
WeberWbΦUnit of magnetic flux (a potential difference of 1V will appear across the ends of an electrical conductor when it moves at a uniform rate in 1 second through a magnetic flux of 1Wb)

<^< Derived Units | Course index | Multiples / Sub-multiples >^>

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Page last modified on August 15, 2011, at 02:02 PM