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EB941 FPGA Solution

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2018 7:04 pm
by EwanCameron
Dear Sir.
In order to give you the full picture please let me fully explain.

I have just bought the FPGA E Block EB089. Invoice 29,722 dated 24/05/18.
Previously, I had the EB-020-00-3 CPLD board and software called Programmable logic techniques and all the E blocks required for the course.

Now, referring to page 23 of the EB941 FPGA Solution - Course Notes. The CD should contain the directory called "simpleand" which will contain all the files needed to do the first action. However, the directory I have has a folder called Simpleand_BDF which I expect is for the CPLD chip.

When I carry the actions given at page 23 I get the error message on Quartus II saying:

Info (209006): Unrecognized device
Error (209001): JTAG ID code specified in JEDEC STAPL Format File does not match any valid JTAG ID codes for device
Error (209012): Operation failed

Realising that I am using the wrong software I contacted Matrix and asked if I could purchase the clearly newer CD ROM of software. Which is identified by the same name.
I do not want to buy the whole package as I already have the keypad, LED, power supply, dual segment display and switch E Blocks from the CPLD course.

I contacted and spoke to Laura Stevens who has attempted to give me by email an image of the CD ROM.
The files given do not even have a folder called "simpleand".

Please could someone either let me buy the CD ROM or give me the correct files so that I may use the £240 hardware I just bought.
I cannot justify buying the whole module again as I already have most of the components (plus others) - quite a large investment I have made over time.

Many thanks. Ewan Cameron

Re: EB941 FPGA Solution

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2018 2:15 pm
by Steve
Hello Mr Cameron.

I have discussed with my colleagues here and I believe I understand the situation.

Firstly, the CD you are asking for is part of an educational solution and we do not supply these items individually. To get around this, my colleague sent you a number of examples and the course material so you can work through the course with the individual E-blocks you have bought. It appears that a few of the files are missing. I will look into this and try to determine what files are missing and get these sent to you this week.

Please note that our FPGA board should be usable without our course and there is other learning material about FPGAs and the Quartus environment available from Altera and other sources which can also help.

Regarding your specific request for the "simpleand" project, this is just to determine the hardware is working appropriately and you could use any appropriate BDF file in place of the one specified in the course. But you should not attempt to use the older programs from the earlier solution with your new board.

I know my colleagues have been dealing with you via email and I do not wish to undermine them and so once I have looked into this issue further, I will pass them any missing files and ask them to send them to you.
