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18F8490 and CAN

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2009 2:46 pm
by beambase
I am trying to use the CAN component with a 18F8490 but when I try to compile I get:

Starting preprocessor: "C:\Program\Matrix Multimedia\Flowcode V4\BoostC\pp.exe" Panel8490a.c -i "C:\Program\Matrix Multimedia\Flowcode V4\BoostC\include" -d _PIC18F8490 -la -c2 -o Panel8490a.pp -v -d _BOOSTC -d _PIC18

Panel8490a.c(458): Illegal redefinition of symbol: TX1IE
Panel8490a.c(459): Illegal redefinition of symbol: TX2IE
Panel8490a.c(468): Illegal redefinition of symbol: TX1IF
Panel8490a.c(469): Illegal redefinition of symbol: TX2IF

4 errors detected
Error: preprocessing error


Return code = 1

Flowcode was unable to compile the flowchart's C code due to the following errors:

If your flowchart contains C code, please review this carefully. If your flowchart contains no C-code or you have thoroughly reviewed the code, contact Technical Support.


Any ideas what I need to do to get it to work?

Re: 18F8490 and CAN

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 8:31 am
by Steve
This is because the definitions in the CAN component are interfering with the definitions int he internal CAN module for this device. Note that the CAN component in Flowcode only works with the external MCP2515 CAN chip and does not currently work with the internal CAN module of some chips.

To work around this problem, you should be able to safely comment out the problematic "#define" statements in the CAN component's C code file. A modified file is attached.