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Flowcode4 for AVR?

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 2:56 pm
by ichiban
Hello everyone!!

This is for Flowcode admin.
By the time you release Flowcode 4, I'm assuming it's for PIC only?

Have you developed Flowcode 4 for AVR too?.. If yes, when will be the possible release date?

AVR MCU's are HOT picks nowadays and grabbing the market share dominated by PICs..

We(AVR users) would be thrilled enough to make a celebration if there is a version 4 for AVR.


Re: Flowcode4 for AVR?

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 3:26 pm
by Benj

Yes Flowcode V4 will be released for AVR microcontrollers. I assume this will either be at the same time as the PIC version or slightly afterwards.

Also dont be too sure about AVRs overtaking PICs, Microchip has just put in an offer to buy out Atmel.

Re: Flowcode4 for AVR?

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 3:39 pm
by ichiban
Thanks a lot for the quick response.

I'm sorry if I said that previous line. What I mean is, AVR is getting a lot of attention nowadays due to some
advantages from PIC. AVR community is growing at a tremendous rate. I also heard about Microchip planning to but ATMEL.

Anyway, can I use this USBasp programmer as a cheap alternative from AVRISP mkII? Is it compatible with Flowcode?
Here is the link:


Re: Flowcode4 for AVR?

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 9:34 am
by Sean
The default settings for Flowcode for AVR use the AVRDUDE programming utility to communicate with an AVRISPmkII programmer. AVRDUDE also claims compatibility with a range of alternative programmers. We have been successful with all those we have tried, but we have not tested the USBasp yet.

According to the AVRDUDE documentation, it should only be necessary to change the name of the programmer from avrispmkii to usbasp in the parameters passed to it by Flowcode.

The list of programmer parameters can be found in the Chip -> Compiler Options menu of Flowcode.