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MX011 - Build your own science lab

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 10:39 pm
by misoct
Edit by DavidA - Please continue the discussion of this article here

Easy Lab 1.2 is a software for educational use built and copyrighted © 2011-2012.
• Platforms OS
o Windows XP
o Windows Vista
o Windows 7

• Software
o .Net framework 3.5
o Windows installer 3.1

• Hardware
o NASOCT Sensors Hardware

Flowcode description
Flowcode program start to enable serial usb component with starting the program and entering a while loop
There are 6 stages reading from 6 ADC’s each of which related to 6 different sensor (temperature ,light ,volt, current,….)
finally I divided the 6 sensors to tow groups and accumulating the reading from the two groups and gathering them in one string.
by reading and sending the data serially through the usb
Main features:
Easy Lab is Programmed & developed to make of hard tiring calculations faster, easy & accurate. Easy lab creates advanced graphs with advanced editable accessible features.
Easy Lab Save executable files with .NELF Format extension that include all points Graphics, data tables, full area calculated, full experiment period of time & many other … .
Loading Easy lab files is provided with two options either Loaded as standard data Experiment or Playback experiment which is loading the saved experiment as a type of data acquisition technology(shows how experiment work on life time).
Easy lab allow printing a document through installed printer includes Graph paper, sensors Unique color's Key, multi sensor graphing Data tables, calculated area tables if calculated by user & a description written by user with a Rich Text Format technology(RTF) . a facility in printing after some of the data tables some rows are printed empty for another manual hard copy editing.

Multi Plotter:
Multi plotter feature allows user to retrieve accurate points from NASOCT sensors hardware and plot it on a graphing area. Easy Lab multi plotter feature allows user to show graph curves from 1 single sensor up to 6 simultaneously.

Easy lab v1.2 & NASOCT Sensors hardware communicates through virtual serial communication. Data is simulated automatically and distributed for each sensor path.
Communication settings can be edited through Communication port settings & settings taken auto saved at software assembly running location.

Easy Lab main tools
Fitting pen tool:

Fitting pen tool allow user to draw multi lines on graphing area by mouse; on the other face of the coin, the software auto detect point locations on graphing area and create a new table with pen name and allow adding it to printing paper.
Dragging tool:
Dragging tool allow user to pick up(drag) a point from a location to another location in the same graph paper; besides, editing its new value in its table by red color to show edited rows.
Slop tool:
Slop tool allows user to insert many slop lines at any point or any group of points & get its value OnCreation. Slop line is editable & re-accessible, can be moved from location to another, can be resize, can be flipped by a double click on it & can be deleted by focusing on it then press Delete Button.
Show MAX & MIN Points:
Show MAX & MIN Points are two functions that draws a red dashed lines at the Y max value points, and the Y min value points.
Selecting tool:

Selecting tool is a tool that allow user to select some points from the graph paper and delete it as a type of editing points, and removing a full curve beside removing it from its Unique showing key.
Additional facilities:
Area tools:
Area calculator tool is a tool works on two ways, first calculating area between two defined points & second calculating area between two values on x axis even X axis is a time axis or a sensor axis; in addition, editing its showing color if needed.
Area editor tool is a tool allow user to edit area created before either by changing its color to show better or deleting it.
Graph paper coloring form:
This form opens a private tool to edit visibility of grid & sub grid lines; not to mention the fact, to edit its visibility color. Or use its default option.
Graph paper lines form:
This form opens a private tool to edit the number of X & Y axis grid lines, or use its default values.

Changing sensor Color tool:
This tool opens a table showing all sensor drawn and additional fitting pen colors, and allow user to edit them by a simple click on row that present sensor information.

Time setting tool:
This tool allow editing reading frequency rate from sensor device and points auto detection if no new values are added in a period of time (set by user).

Auto sensor port tool:
This tool allow easy lab to search for its private hardware device (NASOCT sensor Hardware) and auto locate its communication port and open appropriate COM.

Fitting pen eraser tool:
This tool allow user to delete all added fitting pens on graphing area and reload the plotting of the main sensor curves

Summary Exp. Tool:
This is a tool allows user to add & edit description text for an experiment, and allow user to edit fonts Names, font sizes, colors, and variety of editing styles. These inserted text is inserted on printing experiment document.

Refresh tool:
This tool allows multi refresh option:
 Area table: it helps in refreshing the full area table to its real value after removing some points or editing some points location.
 Online table: it help in refreshing the online table to show last entry for each sensor table.
 Chart board: it help in rendering the graph paper on any un-refreshed action
 Full data table: it refreshes the number of points after editing points if un refreshed
 Fitting pen table: refreshes table belong to each inserted pen.
 Refresh all: refresh all the previous functions in a jiffy.
easy_lab program(demo version 10 min)

Re: Build your own science lab. With ECIO PC Interface&Flowc

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 8:42 pm
by Jan Lichtenbelt
When getting the demo version at: http:// www . multiupload . com / K6NQN5K3W0, pay attention:

Do not click the big green DOWNLOAD knob, YOU GET A VIRUS,

but click on the smaller blue Direct download knob

Moreover, the demo time was just 2 minutes! To short to test anything.

Re: Build your own science lab. With ECIO PC Interface&Flowc

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 9:36 pm
by misoct
dear jan
I'm so sorry for the virus it is out of my hand and I promise you that I'll extend the time for demo version

Re: Build your own science lab. With ECIO PC Interface&Flowc

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 11:59 am
by Steve
Just to be safe, I have edited the download links so that users need to type them in to go to the page.

You might want to find an alternative file-sharing site that has stricter restrictions on what downloads it hosts, and makes it more obvious what the actual link is to download the file.

Re: Build your own science lab. With ECIO PC Interface&Flowc

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 8:56 pm
by misoct
dear all
I hope to enjoy with the new 10 min. demo version
with my best wishes

Re: Build your own science lab. With ECIO PC Interface&Flowc

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 9:54 pm
by medelec35
Hi misoct.
Thanks for the post. Easy lab does looks great!
To be honest I'm glad you have changed the hosting site.
If any one is interested in making Easy lab into a full version, would you mind posting the details please.


Re: MX011 - Build your own science lab

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2011 2:32 pm
by DavidA
I have created a new topic for this in the new article discussion section so the original discussion can remain. Any new questions about the article could you please place in the new topic located at: ... =36&t=8291