RF 433 - Component when added Stops my program running

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RF 433 - Component when added Stops my program running

Post by lewisrendal »


I am running a one second flash on and off displayed on port A on my 16f877a, this works lovely.

When I add the RF Component to my project and download it, the program stops running e.g the leds stop flashing, no other hardware and software changes have been altered ?????
The RF component is connected to port C ?

I am using v4.5 flowcode.

Any help would be appreciated.

Many Thanks

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Re: RF 433 - Component when added Stops my program running

Post by Sean »

The RF module uses a form of flow control on the SPI to inform the microcontroller whether it is ready to receive data. This involves holding the SDI line low while busy, and setting it high when any preceding operations have been completed.

The RF component checks the SDI line when necessary and waits indefinitely for it to be set high.

If the program stops when trying to use the RF component, the SDI line must be being detected as a permanent low.

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Re: RF 433 - Component when added Stops my program running

Post by lewisrendal »

I feel your trying to put your finger on something hardware, it's not hardware, it's the software, when I introduce into the current program which I have attached, the program does not run, when I remove the RF send byte component the program runs, there is a problem with the software v4.5.18.74 flowcode or the way it is compiling for the 16f877a !
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Re: RF 433 - Component when added Stops my program running

Post by Sean »

I have tested the basic operation of your program (not the actual RF transmissions).

It was failing to run because the Watchdog was enabled in the chip configuration - causing repeated resets.

The component connections are correct for the jumpers to be in position B. The program will also fail to run if the jumpers are in the wrong position.

I have attached a copy of the program with a working configuration (0x3F3A seems to be the best config value for most standard F877(a) applications).
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