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Variables - How & Where

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2016 12:44 pm
by Docara
Messing around with FC trial (v5)

Variables - ok You can set them in project window, you can set them in macros, you can give them initial values and you can set them on the chart via Calculation.

Could someone please FULLY explain how and where to use them properly.

So, say I want to transfer a value from a macro to the main programme where do I define it


Re: Variables - How & Where

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2017 1:15 pm
by LeighM
If you are a beginner I would suggest that you create your variables as Globals,
see the Project Explorer window, and add your variables to the Globals->Variables list.
All your variables will then be usable within Main and any macros.

Any variables created in macros are only usable within those macros, and the values of those variables are lost once execution exits that macro.