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USB_Serial problem receiving

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2017 10:36 am
by streammaster
Hi everyone,

I'm trying to get implemented the USB to Serial bridge (based on UART_bridge example). I replaced the UARTB with the USB_serial. However i have a major issue with simulation and with target hardware (PIC18LF45K50):

in simulation mode it appears that none of interrupts or timers are running inside the Flowcode 7 (it is + I copied the fix Flowcode_7_Latest_170717) so i can not use the UART interupt call. I modified the receiving routine a bit so it is not use only an interrupt but similar to USB data is read from the main loop.

When i program the hardware, i get working USB send (to test it i was simply sending the string with "Hello world"). This proved me that the USB initialized correctly, i also get the USB Tx LED flashing as it passing trough the loop.
It appears that i do not get any USB receiving data. The compiler is showing this "unreachable code (warning)" which i believe is the source of the problem:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Flowcode 7\compilers\pic\bin\xc8.exe --chip=18LF45K50 "UART_Bridge.c" --MSGDISABLE=359,1273,1388
Microchip MPLAB XC8 C Compiler (Free Mode) V1.41
Build date: Jan 24 2017
Part Support Version: 1.41
Copyright (C) 2017 Microchip Technology Inc.
License type: Node Configuration

UART_Bridge.c: FCD_056e1_USB_SerialB__ReadByte()
865: return (FCR_RETVAL);
^ (345) unreachable code (warning)

UART_Bridge.c: 2056: (764) mismatched comparison (warning)
C:\PROGRA~2\FLOWCO~1\COMPIL~1\pic\include\../../../CAL/PIC/USB/usb_device.c: 295: non-reentrant function "_USBDeviceInit" appears in multiple call graphs and has been duplicated by the compiler
C:\PROGRA~2\FLOWCO~1\COMPIL~1\pic\include\../../../CAL/PIC/USB/usb_device.c: 1013: non-reentrant function "_USBTransferOnePacket" appears in multiple call graphs and has been duplicated by the compiler
C:\Program Files (x86)\Flowcode 7\CAL\PIC\PIC_CAL_UART.c: 481: non-reentrant function "_FC_CAL_UART_Receive_1" appears in multiple call graphs and has been duplicated by the compiler
UART_Bridge.c: 1695: non-reentrant function "_FCD_01211_CircularBufferA__PutByte" appears in multiple call graphs and has been duplicated by the compiler
UART_Bridge.c: 1982: non-reentrant function "_FCD_047b1_RS232A__ReceiveChar" appears in multiple call graphs and has been duplicated by the compiler
UART_Bridge.c: 2039: non-reentrant function "_FCM_RXD_A" appears in multiple call graphs and has been duplicated by the compiler
C:\PROGRA~2\FLOWCO~1\COMPIL~1\pic\sources\common\Umul16.c: 15: non-reentrant function "___wmul" appears in multiple call graphs and has been duplicated by the compiler
C:\PROGRA~2\FLOWCO~1\COMPIL~1\pic\sources\common\memset.c: 8: non-reentrant function "_memset" appears in multiple call graphs and has been duplicated by the compiler

Do you have any idea what may be wrong?

I may also have a problem with UART, but let do USB first.

Thanks in advance.

Re: USB_Serial problem receiving (solved)

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2017 2:36 am
by streammaster
Hi All,

Here is an update. I managed to 'fix' the problem. The issue was nothing to do with a specific component, but to Windows related file name size issue.
The drive location where projects were saved had very long (descriptive) path names, and this was just sufficient for the compiler to start to complain - randomly.

So here is advice: keep the directories and file names short!