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'Loop' icon seems to have a GUI bug

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2016 7:37 am
by triokenwood
This is really just an irritation in what is otherwise a nice looking flowchart.

I am seeing that every 'loop' construct that I add has a non-horizontal lower connection line:-
2016-07-26_07-12-06.jpg (10.82 KiB) Viewed 12142 times
It isn't that this stops anything from working - it is just something that draws your eye to it, and very often breaks your train of thought. That, alone, increases the challenge when trying to concentrate on complex code!

At the same time, perhaps the loop label could be re-positioned (by default) so that it doesn't have the upper connection line running right through the middle of it. I tend to reposition the label just beyond the 'first corner'.


Re: 'Loop' icon seems to have a GUI bug

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2016 8:38 am
by LeighM
Thanks, I'll log it as an issue, strangely it is not evident on my installation, maybe it is screen resolution dependent.

Re: 'Loop' icon seems to have a GUI bug

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2016 9:25 am
by triokenwood
Hi Leigh,

I noticed this when running on 'this' PC (at 1920 x 1200). I'll check it out on another PC later today.


Re: 'Loop' icon seems to have a GUI bug

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2016 11:31 pm
by triokenwood
Hi all,

I have just upgraded to the v7.1.0.0 patch - and, unfortuntaely, this issue is still present.

If the Flowcode development team has access to TeamViewer, I would be happy to provide access to my screen to let you see what is happening (assuming that you can't replicate the problem 'locally').

Perhaps others using high-resolution, multi-monitor setups can compare their flowcharts adainst the snippet I posted earlier, and convince me that I'm not alone!


Re: 'Loop' icon seems to have a GUI bug

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2016 9:29 am
by Steve
Hi Bill,

I know this won't be any consolation, but I had a similar problem in the original Flowcode release and this latest patch has fixed it for me. I've tried on a variety of monitors, but it's always ok.

I suppose it could be a DPI issue. I'll ask the team to look into it. And if anyone else has this problem, please let us know via this post.


Re: 'Loop' icon seems to have a GUI bug

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2016 12:55 pm
by triokenwood
Thanks Steve,

It really is a minor, and trivial, issue - but it makes an otherwise 'neat' flowchart just look 'nasty'.

For your information, I am running this three-monitor PC (Win 7 64-bit Home) at 100% of Normal Resolution, i.e. at 96 dpi - with a total screen area of 1920 x 1200. The two 'side monitors', one on each side, in Portrait Mode, are running at 768 x 1366.

None of the monitors are using any form of scaling.


Re: 'Loop' icon seems to have a GUI bug

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2016 1:11 pm
by Benj
Hi Bill,

Does it do this in a new blank project or is there a specific flowcode project that is causing the problem to be more apparent?

I'm using a multi monitor setup using Win7 64-bit too and for me it looks straight even zoomed right in so the loop icon takes up the entire screen.

Re: 'Loop' icon seems to have a GUI bug

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2016 2:36 pm
by triokenwood
Hi Ben,

This from a fresh start of FlowCode v7.1.0.0, with only a loop construct added to the flowchart:-
2016-09-22_14-20-43.jpg (23.84 KiB) Viewed 11903 times
As you can see - the lower line of the loop is 'off kilter' - unlike the connection point of the upper line (which is at a 'corner node' of the main loop icon), the lower line 'misses' the corner node completely.

Hope this helps.


Re: 'Loop' icon seems to have a GUI bug

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2016 1:56 pm
by SimonB
Hi Bill,

We never managed to replicate this bug here at the office, even when we set up a monitor with your unusual portrait and resolution settings. However we did make some minor changes to the way things are drawn so please can you give patch 7.1.1 a try and see if it fixes your problem? If it doesn't then I think I have a solution for you 8)
