E-blocks2 I/O expander board


The E-blocks2 expander board allows multiple E-blocks2 boards to be connected to a single upstream E-blocks2 port.


The E-blocks2 expander board (BL0155) allows multiple E-blocks2 boards to be connected to a single upstream E-blocks2 port.  The data pins are controlled using an MCP23S17 I/O expander IC via an SPI connection to the host microcontroller.    The I/O expander provides digital input and output functionality as well as more advanced features such as interrupt on change.

The board features three DIP switches which are used to set the address of the I/O expander allowing for up to 8 expander boards to exist on the same SPI connections. 

E-blocks >E-blocks2

If using this board with First Generation upstream E-blocks, then you will need an E-blocks upstream to E-blocks2 downstream connector.

Resource Version Type
E-blocks2 Datasheet1resource image