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Examples: Amplitude and Frequency

<^< Amplitude and Frequency | Course Index | Measuring Angles >^>

Example 1:

A sine wave voltage has a maximum value of 100V and a frequency of 50Hz.

Determine the instantaneous voltage present 2.5ms from the start of the cycle.

We can determine the voltage at any instant of time using:

v = Vmaxsin(ωt) = Vmaxsin(2πft)

where Vmax = 100V and f = 50Hz.

When Vmax = 2.5ms the instantaneous voltage will be given by:

v = 100 sin(2πx50x0.0025)
= 100 sin(0.785)
= 100 x 0.707
= 70.7V

Example 2:

A waveform has a frequency of 200Hz.

What is the periodic time of the waveform?

t = 1/f = 1/200 = 0.005s (or 5ms).

Hence the waveform has a periodic time of 5ms.

Example 3:

A waveform has a periodic time of 2.5ms.

What is its frequency?

f = 1/t = 1/2.5x10-3 = 1/0.0025 = 400Hz

<^< Amplitude and Frequency | Course index | Measuring Angles >^>

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Page last modified on July 21, 2011, at 09:35 AM