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Flowcode question

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 11:00 am
by Jim
Could some kind person show me how in flowcode how to change the states in the outputs. By this I mean the following, I have the following when I have two outputs which are active High on the next remote clock pulse I wish the two outputs to go Low. As the input clock has a variable duration in times it would require the input to ignore the duration until a state change has occured on the output. I can set it up to read the input but I am getting stuck is how to ignore the input until a state change.

The flow chart should go something like this ( Input clock detected - Read input pin - Make two outputs High and ignore any duration of clock width until next clock pluse - next clock pluse detected - make same two outputs Low and repeat flow chart. )
My issue is I am getting stuck at (Make two outputs High and ignore any duration of clock width until next clock pluse) I can set up the read value on input and make a output change state but the ignore until next pluse is causing the problem

I hope I have explained myself well enough for someone to assist as flowcode is still somewhat new.

Re: Flowcode question

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 4:56 pm
by Dan81
Hello jim

Try one of these Flowcharts.

For "Scrutation", you can use any Port ( A , B , ..).

But for "interruption" , you must use RB0 as input.
Or use RB Port change interrupt and the inputs will be RB4 ou RB5 or RB6 or RB7.


Re: Flowcode question

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 9:14 am
by Jim
Thanks I will give that a go looks like what I was attempting to do, I have other stuff to go on but at least it has moved it forward a bit.

Re: Flowcode question

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 12:23 pm
by Jim
Works ok I see the bit were I got stuck now am just changing a few things around but looks good. Thanks for you help as they say a small snip of codes says a thousand words.