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MIAC motor controller

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2015 2:38 am
by Rav

I have some queries about controlling the speed and direction of a dc motor using MIAC. Suppose i made a full bridge connection between outputs A and B, which of these outputs should i be turning on and off? Should one of these outputs always remain on? What should be the state of the output to turn the motor off?


Re: MIAC motor controller

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2015 9:37 am
by LeighM

For bridge control, say forwards, you would use OutputOn(1) and OutputOff(2),
that would drive A high (source) and B low (sink)

For the opposite direction you would use OutputOn(2) and OutputOff(1)
that would drive B high (source) and A low (sink)

Stop would be OutputOff(1) and OutputOff(2)
