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USB Host in version 5 ?

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 10:39 pm
by Gypo

I have searched the net, forum and FAQ and all the things I can possibly read about Flowcode version 5....... Does Flowcode 5 support USB host?

I use the pro versions (version 4) of PICmicro and dsPIC & PIC24, I now need to be able to put projects together that use USB host and I can't find anywhere that will tell me if version 5 supports that mode.

Does it? If not is there any plans to add it anytime soon?
if I don't have a specific pic chip that I need I'll get it so the chip isn't the stumbling block writing the code is.

Before I got Flowcode I would write my progs in assembly and/or C within MPLAB IDE but now after using flocode all the time that is in the far distant past and it's taking an age trying to remember how I did things that way and longer trying to learn the USB stuff for it too. I build all my own prototypes and finished circuits so can make the required circuit when I find the code to use. I also have a PIC24F Starter Kit 1 so can try code out on that first. The starter kit has a PIC24FJ256GB106 pic on it.

I'm not trying to do anything too complicated, I just want to connect a serial USB device to a USB host pic chip and send the serial from it out to the pics USART in RS232... There are bits in between I need to do but that and the RS232 stuff I can do, the USB host is my wall.

Can any one help Please
Many Thanks guys

Re: USB Host in version 5 ?

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 11:11 pm
by kersing
Flowcode 5 does not provide USB host. All supplied USB components are slave mode only. I do not expect USB host will be added soon.