mega2560 webserver w5100 error

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Flowcode v5 User
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Joined: Wed Jun 06, 2012 11:52 am
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mega2560 webserver w5100 error

Post by simisv »

Am using mega2560 and w5100 ( arduino ethernet shield ) with FlowAVR V5.5 and the compiler generate this error :
Launching the compiler...
C:\Program Files\Flowcode(AVR)\v5\Tools\MX_bats\avra.bat atmega2560 "C:\PROIEC~1\v5\mega2560webtestv1.elf" "C:\PROIEC~1\v5\mega2560webtestv1.c" "C:\PROIEC~1\v5\mega2560webtestv1.lst"

C:\proiecte flowcode avr 2013\v5>"C:\PROGRA~1\FLOWCO~1\v5\Tools\MX_bats\..\bin\avr-gcc.exe" -mmcu=atmega2560 -Os -funsigned-char -o "C:\PROIEC~1\v5\mega2560webtestv1.elf" "C:\PROIEC~1\v5\mega2560webtestv1.c" -lm
C:\PROIEC~1\v5\mega2560webtestv1.c: In function 'WEBSERVER_18_GetHTMLReq':
C:\PROIEC~1\v5\mega2560webtestv1.c:1445: error: label at end of compound statement

Error returned from [avr-gcc.exe]
Return code = 1
Flowcode was unable to compile the flowchart's C code due to the following errors:

If your flowchart contains C code, please review this carefully. If your flowchart contains no C-code or you have thoroughly reviewed the code, contact Technical Support.


Can someone help me to solve this problem?

Thank you
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Flowcode v5 User
Posts: 24
Joined: Wed Jun 06, 2012 11:52 am
Location: London
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Re: mega2560 webserver w5100 error

Post by simisv »

With TCP/IP component i receive this error :

File name: C:\proiecte flowcode avr 2013\v5\tcp ip\324test.c
Generated by: Flowcode v5.5.2.1
Date: Thursday, December 26, 2013 02:45:14
Licence: Professional
Registered to: s
Licence key: J
Launching the compiler...
C:\Program Files\Flowcode(AVR)\v5\Tools\MX_bats\avra.bat atmega328p "C:\PROIEC~1\v5\TCPIP~1\324test.elf" "C:\PROIEC~1\v5\TCPIP~1\324test.c" "C:\PROIEC~1\v5\TCPIP~1\324test.lst"

C:\proiecte flowcode avr 2013\v5\tcp ip>"C:\PROGRA~1\FLOWCO~1\v5\Tools\MX_bats\..\bin\avr-gcc.exe" -mmcu=atmega328p -Os -funsigned-char -o "C:\PROIEC~1\v5\TCPIP~1\324test.elf" "C:\PROIEC~1\v5\TCPIP~1\324test.c" -lm
C:\PROIEC~1\v5\TCPIP~1\324test.c: In function 'FCD_TCP_IP0_Rx_data_available':
C:\PROIEC~1\v5\TCPIP~1\324test.c:1379: error: 'for' loop initial declaration used outside C99 mode

Error returned from [avr-gcc.exe]
Return code = 1
Flowcode was unable to compile the flowchart's C code due to the following errors:

If your flowchart contains C code, please review this carefully. If your flowchart contains no C-code or you have thoroughly reviewed the code, contact Technical Support.

(7 KiB) Downloaded 269 times

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