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Flowcode Release Candidate 6.0.6

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 6:43 pm
by Benj

After months of work we are releasing a new release candidate of Flowcode v6 entitled 6.0.6.

This update addresses a wide selection of bugs reported on the forums, as well as a concerted effort to clean up and tidy up the Flowcode 6 interface as requested by our users. This release should pave the way for the upcoming 6.1 release and allow us to be a lot more sure of all the new features and make sure we are all heading in the right direction. This release also supports the new EB006 hardware with ICD as well as ICT mode for the new v9 board.

You can download the latest release from here: ... php?id=747

I would recommend that if you are currently doing any commercial or time critical work using v6 then maybe hold off until we have established if the release is stable. If things go smoothly then this 6.0.6 release will be added to the official update path so things like the "Help -> Check for updates" menu will work correctly.

Any problems with the 6.0.6 version then let us know and we will do our best to get the problem sorted as soon as possible.

Re: Flowcode Release Candidate 6.0.6

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 8:26 pm
by JohnCrow
Hi Benj

1) Installed over 6.0.4 on laptop(Win7 X64) all ok.
Program seems to run all ok

2) Installed over 6.1 beta release (Desktop WIn7 x64) and this caused problems (Though I did expect this just wanted to see what happened)

Firstly there was no flowcode exe file in the folder, though everything else looked to be there
Tried reboot, still same.
Re-Ran the installer and selected repair, system repaired.
The exe file is now there but when I ran flowcode
Open / New Project
Error message = Attempted an unsupported operation.

Uninstalled flowcode, cleaned the registry.
Reloaded 6.0.6
Runs ok now

Had to reactivate on both PC's

Hope this is helpful


Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 9:07 pm
by medelec35
I believe PWM is commonly used, yet its hidden away in Misc which is not shown by default.
If adding PWM you get:
(62.35 KiB) Downloaded 11997 times
Which i'm sorry but its not as good.
It only shows a rough duty cycle. What about if you have to change period, where is the frequency shown?
We should not have gone away from showing valuable information during a simulation.
Notice the simulation Representation defaults to Analogue
Although the Icon is better if loading a flowchart that was created with an earlier version:
(89.58 KiB) Downloaded 11997 times
Also the prescaler is not correctly imported for a V5 flowchart.


Bug Miac analogue simulation.

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 9:40 pm
by medelec35
Miac Analogue bug still present reported here: ... 14&#p55420
Miac analogue bug.png
(45.66 KiB) Downloaded 11994 times

Re: Flowcode Release Candidate 6.0.6

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 9:46 pm
by medelec35
File ascociation reported here: ... 14&#p55415
sill not working.
After clicking on a V6 flowchart you get:
File association.png
(16.6 KiB) Downloaded 11992 times

Re: Flowcode Release Candidate 6.0.6

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 10:28 pm
by medelec35
Still unable to compile if using timer1 with 16(L)F1937

Code: Select all

Device:        PIC.16F.16F1937
Generated by:  Flowcode v6.0.6.0
Date:          Monday, March 24, 2014 21:26:05
Users:         1
Registered to: Martin xxxxx
Licence key:   GCYPWG
Launching the compiler...
C:\Program Files (x86)\Flowcode 6\compilers\pic\boostc\boostc_16F.exe  -v -t PIC16F1937 "Timer1 test1_v606.c"
Launching BoostC...
BoostC Optimizing C Compiler Version 7.20 (for PIC16 architecture)
Copyright(C) 2004-2013 Pavel Baranov
Copyright(C) 2004-2013 David Hobday

Licensed to FlowCode User under Single user Pro License for 1 node(s)
Limitations: PIC12,PIC16 max code size:Unlimited, max RAM banks:Unlimited

Timer1 test1_v606.c
Starting preprocessor: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Flowcode 6\compilers\pic\boostc\pp.exe" "Timer1 test1_v606.c" -i "C:\Program Files (x86)\Flowcode 6\compilers\pic\boostc\include" -d _PIC16F1937 -la -c2 -o "Timer1 test1_v606.pp" -v -d _BOOSTC -d _PIC16 -d _PIC16x -d _CHAR_INDEX 

???(161): Unterminated conditional

1 errors detected
Error: preprocessing error

Completed BoostC compilation, return = 1

C:\Program Files (x86)\Flowcode 6\compilers\pic\boostc\boostc_16F.exe reported error code 1

Re: Flowcode Release Candidate 6.0.6

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 11:30 am
by Benj

Thanks for reporting your findings, I've added them all to the list and I'll work through them as quickly as possible.
Still unable to compile if using timer1 with 16(L)F1937
Fixed in this attachment.
(22.33 KiB) Downloaded 338 times
Miac Analogue bug still present reported here:
I found a problem with display clear where it was not resetting the cursor back to 0,0 but other than that it seems to be working ok. Remember on the MIAC that the ADC numbering goes from 1 rather than 0.
(75.67 KiB) Downloaded 309 times
MIAC_Adc.jpg (49.78 KiB) Viewed 21759 times
I believe PWM is commonly used, yet its hidden away in Misc which is not shown by default.
I don't really have a say in where components are placed any more, certainly I have not been asked about this, I will see if we can get it back on one of the lists.
Notice the simulation Representation defaults to Analogue
I have now changed it back so the default view is the digital view with the extra debug info.
(6.86 KiB) Downloaded 298 times
Also the prescaler is not correctly imported for a V5 flowchart.
The prescaler in v5 was a botch as best, in v6 we poll the FCD file and pull through the actual prescaler options relevant for the target device. I will have a go at fixing this but might be a bit messy.

Re: Flowcode Release Candidate 6.0.6

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 1:58 pm
by medelec35
Benj wrote:I found a problem with display clear where it was not resetting the cursor back to 0,0 but other than that it seems to be working ok. Remember on the MIAC that the ADC numbering goes from 1 rather than 0.
Sorry Ben,
I'm a bit confused.
Looking at my post above with the miac screenshot you can see that both An0 and An1 are on 1023.
Yet An0 instead of showing 1023 (or the maximum it does on real hardware) its showing 0 on LCD.
An1 is showing 1024.
(101.29 KiB) Downloaded 11890 times
Now reducing An0 by 1:
(66.85 KiB) Downloaded 11890 times
Surly they both should be showing the maximum value (or same as hardware) since both analogue sliders are in the same position at the very end?

Not sure how both relate to:
Benj wrote: Remember on the MIAC that the ADC numbering goes from 1 rather than 0.
When An0 is adjusted then macro for I1 is accessed, varying the value of ADC hence altering ADC Ch1 on the LCD
When An1 is adjusted then macro for I2 is accessed, varying the value of ADC altering ADC Ch2 on the LCD
When An2 is adjusted then macro for I2 is accessed, Both values on the LCD remain the same.
The only difference between An0 and An1 on my flowchart is An0 is ReadAsByte and An1 is ReadAsInt

Is the Miac LCD going to be updated so 16 and 21 bit variables can be displayed?

Re: Flowcode Release Candidate 6.0.6

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 2:11 pm
by Mathy
Hello :)

Is there a changelog somewhere ?

Thank you :)

Re: Flowcode Release Candidate 6.0.6

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 2:32 pm
by medelec35
Mathy wrote:Is there a changelog somewhere ?
Yes it's the changes.txt in:
64 bit windows:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Flowcode 6\Logs

32 bit windows:
C:\Program Files\Flowcode 6\Logs


Re: Flowcode Release Candidate 6.0.6

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 3:41 pm
by Benj
An1 is showing 1024.
Aha hadn't spotted that! I can't seem to replicate the problem where the number returned is 0 when the ADC channel shows 1023 but the LCD showing 1024 is certainly incorrect. I have found the cause of the problem and it's essentially down to a bug in the simulation api call "Connection.GetAn". I have submitted a detailed bug report so hopefully we can get this fixed soon.

Re: Flowcode Release Candidate 6.0.6

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 3:50 pm
by Benj
Is the Miac LCD going to be updated so 16 and 32 bit variables can be displayed?
Good thinking, Here is an updated MIAC component with the additional print number macro.

Re: Flowcode Release Candidate 6.0.6

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 3:55 pm
by medelec35
Hi Ben,
medelec35 wrote:Is the Miac LCD going to be updated so 16 and 21 bit variables can be displayed?
:oops: Oops where did the 21 come from. :?
I did mean 32 or signed & unsigned :)
Benj wrote:I can't seem to replicate the problem where the number returned is 0 when the ADC channel shows 1023
Does not go to 0 if use an integer variable.
Since the result = ADC slider + 1 from various spots like byte 127, 50% & raw 511 etc.
Then with slider at the far right, if variable used is a byte then 255+1 = 0
If variable used is an integer then 1023+1 = 1024
Which is what I have got on Miac LCD display in the simulator.


Re: Flowcode Release Candidate 6.0.6

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 4:55 pm
by Rudi
Thanks to the MATRIX Team!

You hard at work 24/7 !

Just in Time i download the Candidate, i will test it too for my founds

Best wishes from Germany ;-)


1) Edit: March 27th-14
I have tested in RS232 and First Time a little "Cosmetic" playing with me..
If i add a RS232 Compo the Scope will show automatic .
If i close the Scope or deactivate in View or make it Auto Hide and then make Change in Properties example Baudrate,
the Scope again allways popup...

2) Edit: March 27th-14
Is this possible...RS232 Receive no "0 Byte" in this 6.0.6 again?
I have test with RS232 ReceiveString, the 0x00 will not receive in RS232 as Byte.

Bug when importing V5 with a reserved word.

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2014 12:24 am
by medelec35
If you have a flowchart created with V5 and use a reserved word for a variable e.g string.
Then when loaded with V6 you do get a warning about reserved word, but when you rename the reserved word, the variable name within macros are not updated with the new name.
E.g rename string to string2 within project manager. none other variables called string was renamed to string2

Also if more than one reserved word for a variable, then only one will be flagged. the other errors will not pop up with a warning .
You will just get syntax errors when running simulation and no reason behind them.

If a call macro has a reserved name the there will only be a syntax warning. No clues for failure given.

Re: Flowcode Release Candidate 6.0.6

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2014 1:20 am
by kersing
Port settings on Input/Output icons for 16 bit PIC devices are still not saved/reloaded correctly. Even worse, selecting them first time results in weird values. When selecting PORTB_H, bit 4
inputbh4.JPG (27.58 KiB) Viewed 21615 times
the input icons shows B20.
inputb20.JPG (10.02 KiB) Viewed 21615 times
When re-opening the input icon the single bit selection box is reset to 0.
inputbh0.JPG (25.74 KiB) Viewed 21615 times
At least in 6.0.4 this worked when not trying to save/reload a flow chart...

Re: Flowcode Release Candidate 6.0.6

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2014 10:51 am
by Benj
the input icons shows B20.
Hmm seems to be related only to the input icon, I will flag this as major and see if we can get it fixed ASAP.

Component size import from V5

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2014 4:59 pm
by medelec35
I have noticed that component sizes on the dashboard or system panels are way to big in proportion in comparison to other components.
Worst offenders are RC5, I2C and SPI

Re: Flowcode Release Candidate 6.0.6

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2014 6:30 pm
by STibor
JohnCrow wrote:Hi Benj

1) Installed over 6.0.4 on laptop(Win7 X64) all ok.
Program seems to run all ok

2) Installed over 6.1 beta release (Desktop WIn7 x64) and this caused problems (Though I did expect this just wanted to see what happened)

Firstly there was no flowcode exe file in the folder, though everything else looked to be there
Tried reboot, still same.
Re-Ran the installer and selected repair, system repaired.
The exe file is now there but when I ran flowcode
Open / New Project
Error message = Attempted an unsupported operation.

Uninstalled flowcode, cleaned the registry.
Reloaded 6.0.6
Runs ok now

Had to reactivate on both PC's

Hope this is helpful

I got an error message: Error Message = Attempted an unsupported operation.
I set the default language of Hungary. View menu options are global applications menu language and English language option to overwrite it works.
I was preparing a new project error message. No error message is saved for old projects.

You should delete the entire flowcode6 folder after uninstall. I have not updated the components.


Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2014 7:16 pm
by medelec35
Using Eb006 V7.
When running ICD, it appears to pause indefinitely at every single delay encountered,


Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2014 7:38 pm
by medelec35
properties, for example receive mode, receive pin etc not being transferred from FC5

Unable to get RC5 to Work with 16F1937
Using attached flowchart.

String Bug

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2014 11:27 pm
by medelec35
If you want to send via RS232 numbers from 0 to 255, then with Flowcode V4 & V5 a byte was used for numbers then ByteToString was used to send the string Via RS232 The string variable was StringVar[3] for example, i.e an array of 3.
With Flowcode 6 the only way of sending 0 to 255 with no additional characters is by using StringVar[4]:
String Array4.png
(34.25 KiB) Downloaded 11592 times
If using the normal String array of 3 then this is sent:
String Array3.png
(35.95 KiB) Downloaded 11592 times
While I like to look at a smiling face, missing off the end number is not very practical :lol:
The test Flowchart used is posted Here

Re: Flowcode Release Candidate 6.0.6

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2014 3:31 pm
by Benj

Thanks for the bug reports.
got an error message: Error Message = Attempted an unsupported operation.
This has now been fixed and will be solved when we release as a stable build (6.0.7).
Using Eb006 V7. When running ICD, it appears to pause indefinitely at every single delay encountered,
I've logged this as a bug and we will investigate.
Unable to get RC5 to Work with 16F1937
Should be a simple one to replicate and fix, Its now on the list anyway.
With Flowcode 6 the only way of sending 0 to 255 with no additional characters is by using StringVar[4]:
I wonder if this is something to do with the request to allow 0's to be sent and received using the RS232 string functions. Might need to rethink this a bit. It's also now on the list.

Re: Flowcode Release Candidate 6.0.6

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2014 7:17 pm
by Kenrix2
The Console is not available for Chip Pack users. I understand that this matches the data sheet showing that the console is not included with Chip Pack. The Console allows for a simplified approach for creating simulating macros especially for communication type macros. It is just a tool. It is not a ready made component macro that makes the Pro version so versatile and valued, (commercial aspect aside). As a hobbyist, the Chip Pack version is a very attractive product which I am quite pleased with but, it would be nice to have this tool. This post is merely a request for consideration.

Re: Flowcode Release Candidate 6.0.6

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2014 1:21 pm
by Mathy
Hello Benj,

Just dowloaded the 6.0.7 release and there is still a bug with the FloatToString function or the RS232 send string function.
If you try the attached file, you will see that the RS232 sendstring function will send only the first three byte of the TEST[4] array.

If I rename my array TEST[5] instead of TEST[4], it will send 21.3 instead of 21.4

Good luck with this one.
