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Compile error missing XC.h & math.h Flowcode 6

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2021 8:10 am
by pamB
Been developing a program for the 18F2455 using flowcode 6 and it had been going well. Gone through about 10 saved versions as I progressed and up until now all compiled and built on chip and worked to an improving degree.

Then I started getting compile errors of 'could not open' xc.h and math.h. At first I thought I had screwed up the program but have gone back to earlier versions of the programs which used to compile ok and work but now get the same error.
I can not find XC.h, but no idea what's going on or how to recover.

Can anyone help please?

Re: Compile error missing XC.h & math.h Flowcode 6

Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2021 11:21 am
by Benj

Have you done anything with your compiler settings?

Or have you done anything with the compiler on your file system?

Flowcode 6 for PIC uses the BoostC compiler, have you done anything specific with this.

If all else fails it might be worth uninstalling and reinstalling Flowcode or reparing the installation.