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Bugreport and Feature

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2015 8:02 pm
by Steve Key
If to unhitch Command Toolbox and Components Toolbox from window FlowCode and to make their floating at the following loading Components Toolbox it is shown empty, yet you will not change its size, and Command Toolbox at all it is not shown, it is necessary to include it in the program menu.

Link FeedBack to a site conducts on the same page.

Also it is absolutely necessary to make possibility of creation of bit maps in the program.

I read a question on "convolution" of cycles.
As the program in the form of a block diagram takes a lot of place on the screen (and at scale reduction it becomes badly visible the text) it is absolutely necessary to make convolution of any groups of units! After all I can select some different units and set for them a command «Disable».
Would be convenient if it was possible to select group of the units making, in my opinion, the uniform functional unit (connected with each other on sense of the program) and to set "convolution" that they were displayed by one unit but that it was possible to tear and edit this unit, and then again to contract.
Transfer has been made by the automatic program, I ask to excuse for my bad language.

Re: Bugreport and Feature

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2015 4:14 pm
by Benj
If to unhitch Command Toolbox and Components Toolbox from window FlowCode and to make their floating at the following loading Components Toolbox it is shown empty, yet you will not change its size, and Command Toolbox at all it is not shown, it is necessary to include it in the program menu.
Ok we will investigate this issue.
Link FeedBack to a site conducts on the same page.
Not sure what you mean by this please can you explain further?
Also it is absolutely necessary to make possibility of creation of bit maps in the program.
If you mean you would like to use Flowcode to create bitmaps then yes this is possible using the FAT component. The FAT component can also read bitmaps to show on a graphical LCD etc. ... image_file
I read a question on "convolution" of cycles.
As the program in the form of a block diagram takes a lot of place on the screen (and at scale reduction it becomes badly visible the text) it is absolutely necessary to make convolution of any groups of units! After all I can select some different units and set for them a command «Disable».
Would be convenient if it was possible to select group of the units making, in my opinion, the uniform functional unit (connected with each other on sense of the program) and to set "convolution" that they were displayed by one unit but that it was possible to tear and edit this unit, and then again to contract.
I believe what you mean by this is the ability to essentially hide a portion of the code so it's not taking up real estate on screen. You can do this by using macros but we are also looking to do things like expand and contract the contents of a while loop or decision etc. This will likely be a v7 feature.

Re: Bugreport and Feature

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2015 8:33 pm
by Steve Key
Benj wrote:If you mean you would like to use Flowcode to create bitmaps
No, I want to create variables of such kind: Variable [4] type Bit (not Byte!)

Re: Bugreport and Feature

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2015 8:44 pm
by Steve Key
Benj wrote:You can do this by using macros
At usage of macros on microcontrollers PIC depth of a stack of returns.

Re: Bugreport and Feature

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2015 12:12 pm
by Benj

Arrays of bits may or may not be supported by the compiler depending on which chip pack your using, Flowcode will already let you use them but the program may not compile if the compiler doesn't like it.
At usage of macros on microcontrollers PIC depth of a stack of returns.
Yes you are right, the ideal solution is to allow us to hide portions of code. I've put it on the feature request list.