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Re: DsPIC stops running if GLCD is included in the program

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2016 7:03 am
by Zane
Hi Ben,

I have attached some code for a component to drive the 4D display running the R44 firmware revision (EB076_V2). This allows the display to initialise and also allows images to be displayed off the SD card. I hope this helps with sorting out the Flowcode component.

The only problem that this component has is that when the high speed baud rate is selected, the fastest I can drive the display is at 38400 bits/s. Any faster and the PIC starts sending data with errors, hence the high speed baud rate being set to 38400bits/s.

If anyone is interested in using this code and they are unfamiliar with creating components, open the attached flowchart and select “file” and then “ export component”. Save this component file in the components folder of FlowcodeV6 to make it available for use in a program.
