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SSD1306 in 128x64 doesn't work

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2015 10:57 am
by hyperion007
I just tried my trusted gLCD_SSD1306_Buffered component with a 128x64 pixel display module instead of the usual 128x32 pixel displays I have used before.

It works, except it skips every other line and hence only renders out 32 lines instead of 64. Changing the display pixel height under properties between 32 and 64 doesn't seem to do anything at all.

Please see photo of how the display prints data:
(407.04 KiB) Downloaded 664 times

Re: SSD1306 in 128x64 doesn't work

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2015 11:00 am
by hyperion007
It's this display: ... e-on-black

Using the same exact interface (4 wire SPI) as the other SSD1306 128x32 displays.