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Look For in Circular Buffer does not react in real and Sim.

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2015 11:19 am
by patrick schoon
He guys,

I'm trying to get work the "look for Value" function within the circular buffer.

According to the exmples in flowcode i build a quick test in simulation and also with hardware uart.
Both do not give any reaction on the return value.

What am i doing wrong! Tried several configs but still no reaction. Do i oversee something?

Some help wanted.

Best regards and thnaks.


Re: Look For in Circular Buffer does not react in real and S

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2015 11:58 am
by medelec35
Hi Patrick,
If looking for OK then O = 0x4F
K = 0x4B not the values you have got within your flowchart (0x0B & 0x0F).
You can see what hex values are by going to:


Re: Look For in Circular Buffer does not react in real and S

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2015 8:47 pm
by patrick schoon
Hi Martin,

Al is working well with the circular buffer.

My project uses a PIC24EP with onboard USB.
For now i'm using a FTDI chip to convert the mcu's uart1 to virtual usb uart.

Now i build a virtual uart on the mcu's USB port and this works in the test.

In the FTDI version i receive data thru through the circular buffer triggered by Uart interupt.
This works quick and relaiable.

My queston is:
I can't find an interupt for the USB uart.
Checking the forum i found a fixed counter triggered interupt (4000 times a second) to put the usb byte into the circular buffer. Not triggered by an USB interupt!
Does an USB read Interupt excist?
Is a fixed counter intrupt to read data reliable?
What about baudrate. Can or do i have to set this?

Many thanks for now.

Best regards,
