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FCV values C code

Posted: Sat Apr 05, 2008 8:27 am
by Jodam
I don't really understand how I can create a value in my c code, which could be recognized by flowcode in the algorigram.
I heard when you use FCV_value instead of the simple value, flowcode could recognize it. I want to use the C code value into the algorigram. But it doesn't work !!!!

SOS. Thanks.

Re: FCV values C code

Posted: Sat Apr 05, 2008 12:25 pm
by Sean
Any variables that are to be accessed by both C and Flowcode should only be declared in Flowcode, using the Variable Manager -> Add New Variable -> Create a new variable facility. This will ensure that the variable is accessible in both environments. Flowcode can only recognise variables that are included in its Variable Manager list.

The addition of a Flowcode byte variable ,Data1, will cause the following declaration to be automatically added to the resulting C code:

char FCV_DATA1;