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LDR (Light Dependent Resistor

Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2017 5:07 pm
by Frank607
LDR (Light Dependent Resistor

I hope that someone could help with the following situation:

I have power LEDs and I want these to dim by an LDR.

LDR > PIC16F690 > NPN MOSFET > Power LEDs

In this situation the LEDs must be about 30% to 40% less brighten when it is totally dark. In daylight they must be 100% brighten.

I have this LDR:

I’m searching this forum for some examples about how to calculate this, because I don’t have any idea how to do this. I hope that someone have an working example for me.



Re: LDR (Light Dependent Resistor

Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2017 5:15 pm
by Benj
Hi Frank,

Use the LDR as one side of a potential divider (Z1) and a fixed resistor as the other side (Z2). ... er.svg.png

Vin would be your system VCC, say 5V or 3V3.

VOut would be the signal to an Analog enabled microcontroller input pin.

GND would be the system VSS or Ground.

Switching the resistor and the LDR (Z1 and Z2) in the potential divider circuit will have the effect of reversing the voltage, e.g. dark = low voltage and dark = high voltage.

The resistance of the fixed resistor should probably be in the region of 1K to 10K to give you a nice varying signal.

To drive the LED brightness use a PWM output to drive the MOSFET and vary the PWM duty based on your analog LDR reading. ... :_General)

Re: LDR (Light Dependent Resistor

Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2017 11:57 am
by Docara
Hi Frank, ... R/LDR.html

Remember Google is your friend!!!


Feeling sad

Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2017 6:13 pm
by Frank607
By this topic made by me:

I’m happy with all the answers I get on this question but I need some example to understand this LDR with PWM and some explanation. This PWM stuff is all new to me.

Ok, I have just bought FlowCode 7 with some modules. I also saw under a hidden button the module “Read my mind” I also bought this module and I hope it will work as expected.

I only cant register this (my) version of FlowCode, not by my Matrix user name (administer mode) and also not on a manual way > 504 Gateway time out.

Cancel is closing the program. Yes I followed all the instructions in the email and step by step.

(I understand that my Forum user account can be different from the Matrix main website user account. I can login on the main Matrix website with my credentials.)

Re: Feeling sad

Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2017 6:30 pm
by Docara
Hi Frank

Point 1) Is a continuation of your original question - you are effectively doubling posting (forum admin will shout at you and make you have detention after school)
Point 2) is a matter for Matrix and at the very least warrant a separate post.

I will try and help the best I can and reply in your original post
Perhaps ask admin to bump it from V5 to V7 as you now have upgraded


Re: LDR (Light Dependent Resistor

Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2017 6:40 pm
by EtsDriver
I merged your posts as this is continuation to the old topic in context.

For the PWM, as you said its a new thing to you, you could take a look at the Sparkfun tutorials, theyre bit arduino specific, but still they usually explain things pretty clearly. To use pwm with Flowcode V7 (as you stated you had purchased it) you can use the V7 wiki to see some examples about PWM. ... modulation ... :_General)

Examples are great learning point, and i understand the frustration, as with the v5 flowcode i was sometimes stuck at thinking to myself, how this thing works (there were no examples provided on those days).
I personally struggled with CAN bus boards for couple of weeks, then found someone else had asked about them in this forum, and used information from that topic to get around, the "AH-HAA, so this is how it works " was best feeling ever. :D

Re: LDR (Light Dependent Resistor

Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2017 6:41 pm
by Frank607
Hi Docara and EtsDriver,

I’m sorry for reposting a forum link.

Thanks for the attention and I have opened a “support ticket “

Re: LDR (Light Dependent Resistor

Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2017 7:23 pm
by Docara
Thanks ETS

I have more fully answer Franks question on his original post


Re: LDR (Light Dependent Resistor

Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2017 8:27 am
by Docara
Clearly my post has disappeared!!

ETSDriver do you nor agree it would have been a good idea to leave the original post intact and not merge it - especially as I said I was posting to the original V5 forum. It took more nearly an hour writing something in a manner for Frank to follow which was simple enough for both complete his project and learn by. YOU have erased it by deleting the V5 post whilst I was in the process of replying to. When I hit submit there was no location for my message to go.

I'm not impressed and quite P****d off about it.

My I suggest as you clearly have forum access rights you find my post and reinstate it


Re: LDR (Light Dependent Resistor

Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2017 9:05 am
by EtsDriver
Docara wrote:Clearly my post has disappeared!!

ETSDriver do you nor agree it would have been a good idea to leave the original post intact and not merge it - especially as I said I was posting to the original V5 forum. It took more nearly an hour writing something in a manner for Frank to follow which was simple enough for both complete his project and learn by. YOU have erased it by deleting the V5 post whilst I was in the process of replying to. When I hit submit there was no location for my message to go.

I'm not impressed and quite P****d off about it.

My I suggest as you clearly have forum access rights you find my post and reinstate it


I sent you a pm apologizing for this inconvience. The thing is, im not a fortuneteller, and i cant see that someone is typing there a message.
I noticed your other message sent at 6.7.17 9:23pm:
Docara wrote:Thanks ETS

I have more fully answer Franks question on his original post

but i sent earlier a message that notifies about the merge at 8:40pm:
EtsDriver wrote:Hi!
I merged your posts as this is continuation to the old topic in context.
when the merge had allready happened. I have not deleted the V5 post, it was just moved to V7 forums, and the forum software gives the topic a new id, and lets moderators choose whether to leave shadow topic in place. The shadow topic would not had prevented your post disappear, as it just is a redirect to the new topic id, as it seems the forum software failed to give you a nag that the topic you are answering doesn't exist anymore. Usually there is warning if topic has got new replies when you were writing, but not in this case.

Im pretty much powerless to see if the message you sent is sitting alone somewhere in the database, but you have to realise that it might be next to impossible for some database ninja to find that. I cant guarantee your post to be restored, but i will do everything to try!

Re: LDR (Light Dependent Resistor

Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2017 9:06 am
by Frank607
The licensing problem what I had is fixed. I had added the key to my account and saw what license (modules) I had. So I think that this was all. But… I had click the button ADD KEY while I was thinking that this button was for adding a NEW key.


I was searching for this topic but I couldn’t find it anymore.

Re: LDR (Light Dependent Resistor

Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2017 9:24 am
by Frank607
EtsDriver wrote:Hi!

... Examples are great learning point, and i understand the frustration, as with the v5 flowcode i was sometimes stuck at thinking to myself, how this thing works (there were no examples provided on those days).
I personally struggled with CAN bus boards for couple of weeks, then found someone else had asked about them in this forum, and used information from that topic to get around, the "AH-HAA, so this is how it works " was best feeling ever. :D
You are right. I have find many base examples in this forum what I could use to build on further. Only in this case (and maybe more in the future) I couldn’t find a specific example for my question.

Re: LDR (Light Dependent Resistor

Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2017 9:52 am
by Docara

Thank you for the apology - I appreciate you were only trying to help but for I don't think merge is the answer to issues like this. I feel you should have just moved the post and maintain the links.

At the bottom of the page we are able to see who is online, and depending on the browser it also shows up as a banner in the corner on a posting box and I did state I was replying to the original message additionally, you stated you hade merged the message how then was I able to click on it and start my response - very strange.

I will rewrite my answer but as the forum SW is SQL based I'm sure my post is lurking somewhere because it posted successfully. The normal standard post successful message appeared.

So anyway handbags at dawn at your place or mine LOL :D


Re: LDR (Light Dependent Resistor

Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2017 10:17 am
by DavidA
Hi, I can search the database if i can get some indication as to what the post said, PM me and ill have a quick search.

Re: LDR (Light Dependent Resistor

Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2017 4:27 pm
by Docara
Hi Frank,

I've just quickly gone over your post and if I understand you correctly you wish to have a variable rate PWM output based on the light level via an LDR.

Whilst this is an easy task especially with Flowcode it is easy to get caught up in the details of your project and come unstuck. So I propose to help you by nudging you into a position to sort the problem out yourself.

First off don't worry about the electrical characteristics of the LDR, PWM frequency, mark to space ratios 40% brightness levels (this will come later) just think about the logical steps needed to achieve what you want using the tools available. So, mentally break down your project into easy to understand manageable blocks.


With your project the INPUT is to do with the LDR and feeding the processor with a correctly proportioned signal. The Analysis is what the processor does with the information once it 'inside' the processor and the OUTPUT is the PWM signal timed based on the decision the processor has made based on the INPUT. Now, remember FC is a very good simulation tool as well as a programming tool so use it.

Right, before I buy any component I would try and model (and start to program) what I was intending to build within FC to make sure my logic and design was sound, and I had enough pins on my chosen processor. So with this in mind choose start by choosing your preferred processor in FC -

An LDR is a variable resistor, a potentiometer - a device which is able to have it's resistance changed (albeit by light) and you know that to read these analogue devices in FC they must be connected to the Analogue to Digital Converter (ADC) pin, so choose any (generic) potentiometer and drag it to the 2D panel there are properties which you need to complete associated with this component to tell FC where it is connected. Secondly, you will need some way to indicate various values. So lets use LEDs which will correspond to 25%, 50%, 75% and 100%. (you could use a LCD display to see the numbers actual produced by the potentiometer) Set these up on, say, Port C bits 0 to 3 (bit0=25% - bit3=100%)

So we now have a basic setup that, in principle, will accept an input and be able to output something and have it show up on LEDs.

The beauty of simulating the circuit above in FC is that you can make sure the code is correct and working before you move over to the real world and have a project sitting on your bench laughing at you and giving you the finger, at least you can eliminate an area of frustration and head scratching (your code) and concentrate on the electrical connections to see why it doesn't work. The next step is to code something.

The procedure will be

Read (from ADC)
Store the value (from ADC)
Do something with the value

First thing we need to do is setup a variable. It could be anything Say ADCvalue and it will be a byte (255) long. (I chose this variable type because of the link Benj posted here about PWM and 8bit processors)
Next, we need to setup a continuous loop so drag the While loop icon to your chart
Next, Inside this loop we need to read from the ADC (component macro) and store it in the variable we set up previously (ADCvalue)
The next section pertains to you setting up the PWM frequency in the future
Next, Drag four decision boxes over into your chart. The decision is based on the value in the ADCvalue variable. Set these four decisions boxes to 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% (100%=255, 75%=192, 50%=128, 25%=64)
Next, In the YES branch of output a 1 to the first LED (IF ADCvalue=64 then light the first LED on Port C bit 0
Next, In the YES branch of output a 1 to the first LED (IF ADCvalue=128 then light the first LED on Port C bit 1
Next, In the YES branch of output a 1 to the first LED (IF ADCvalue=192 then light the first LED on Port C bit 2
Next, In the YES branch of output a 1 to the first LED (IF ADCvalue=255 then light the first LED on Port C bit 3
Next, you will need to have a delay so you can actually see the LED being lit 0.25 Sec (250mS)
Next, Clear the ADCvariable (ADCvalue=0) or Output a 0 to Port C (try both)

If you run this and twiddle the knob on screen you will see each LED light up when the value reaches the threshold levels above. If we use less than or equal too (<=) instead of just = in the above decisions what would you expect to happen? (try it and see)

OK. By quickly knocking up the above (if I've done it right) you have proven that you can read a value from an analogue pin, analyse the value and an arbitrary pin can be controlled based on that value. The next step is to use the variable ADCvalue as the controlling value in the PWM Component macro. You probably will need to do away with the delay and clearing of the ADCvalue when dealing with the following PWM.

You stated in your original post that you wanted "In this situation the LEDs must be about 30% to 40% less brighten when it is totally dark. In daylight they must be 100% brighten." this equates to 70% 60% and 100% 70%=180, 60%=154, 100%=255. Therefore, remove one of the decision boxes above and change the values to 154, 180 & 255. Where you previously had an OUTPUT macro controlling the LED's via Port C insert the PWM Component Macro using the ADCvalue variable when prompted.

Remember the PWM module will run continuously at a given rate unless you change it, so you don't need to continuously output the value read from the potentiometer (LDR) unless it changes. This is where you need to think about your program logic and where interrupts come in.I think there is an interrupts on ANchange or similar but you have to code in C to get at it.

Let me know how you get on (and if I've missed something LOL) - you might need some help when it comes time to connecting up in the real world.


Re: LDR (Light Dependent Resistor

Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2017 6:56 pm
by Frank607
Hi Matt,

Thanks for this great answer and the background information. I appreciate this at a high level (Dutch thinking to English writing, but I hope you understand it :-) )

This evening I have to go to my social live in the city but somewhere in this weekend I will work on it.

Have a nice weekend and regards,


Re: LDR (Light Dependent Resistor

Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2017 7:16 pm
by Docara
Hi Bud,

I remember when I had a social life in the city ha ha
I'm will be around here this weekend

Have fun

Re: LDR (Light Dependent Resistor

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2017 5:26 pm
by Frank607
I’m trying to work on this next week. Matt knows about this.

Re: LDR (Light Dependent Resistor

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2020 3:40 pm
by Frank607
Hi all,

It is long time ago that I have ask the above question. I couldn’t get to work on this by vary reasons.

But now I have time and I can work on this. I have read the full answer from Docara and I have made two simple flowcharts.

To make it more clear.

I have 8 power LEDs which are flashing in different patterns. When it is daylight they must be flashing at a brightness of 100%. When it get darker till totally dark they must flashing at a brightness from 100% to 70% or 60%.

I have made a test flowchart for only one LED to see if it works. My LDR is a NORPS12 with a 10K resistor to GND. (I don’t know if the resistor value is good)

The two attached flowcharts is what I have made.

Code: Select all

LDR Test - pwm plus led 01 - LDR WORKS.fcfx
This flowchart works fine with the LDR in hardware.

Code: Select all

LDR Test - pwm plus led 01 - NOT FLASHING.fcfx
This flowchart will not flash the LED in hardware. In Flowcode simulation the LED is flashing.

I don’t know how to get this smooth to work.
LDR Test - pwm plus led 01 - LDR WORKS.fcfx
(11.34 KiB) Downloaded 192 times
LDR Test - pwm plus led 01 - NOT FLASHING.fcfx
(11.29 KiB) Downloaded 194 times


Re: LDR (Light Dependent Resistor

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2020 6:19 pm
by Benj
Hi Frank,

Here is how I might do your two programs, I've hopefully removed everything you don't need to make it more obvious what you do need.

This one simply outputs the ADC LDR value onto the PWM duty.
LDR Test - pwm plus led 01 - LDR WORKS.fcfx
(8.98 KiB) Downloaded 197 times
This one will check if the LDR is below the threshold and if so will start flashing the brightness by varying the PWM duty. I may have got the yes/no branches wrong for night and day.
LDR Test - pwm plus led 01 - NOT FLASHING.fcfx
(11.21 KiB) Downloaded 192 times
Your ADC slider in the simulation was tiny for me, sorry if it's now massive on your version.

I may also have got the wrong end of the stick but hopefully my programs will help to guide you.

Re: LDR (Light Dependent Resistor

Posted: Sat Feb 29, 2020 9:59 am
by Frank607
Hi Ben,

Thanks for your input. But I think we misunderstand it.

Attached you find a simple program from a bigger program. I have made two flashing Macro’s (Pattern 01 and 02)

It would be nice to have an “LDR Macro” that every Pattern Macro will read. (or something like that)

I hope this program makes it more clear.
LDR TEST - 01.fcfx
(12.54 KiB) Downloaded 195 times


Re: LDR (Light Dependent Resistor

Posted: Sat Feb 29, 2020 2:52 pm
by medelec35
Hi Frank,
I believe I know what you are after.
I will modify your flowchart for you and upload it when finished.

Re: LDR (Light Dependent Resistor

Posted: Sat Feb 29, 2020 3:41 pm
by Frank607
Thanks Martin,

But take your time, this evening I don't have time.


Re: LDR (Light Dependent Resistor

Posted: Sat Feb 29, 2020 5:00 pm
by medelec35
No problem,
Can you let me know about input switch or switches.
E.g how many and the connections?
Using external or internal pull-ups etc?

Re: LDR (Light Dependent Resistor

Posted: Sat Feb 29, 2020 6:24 pm
by medelec35
Attached is first version.
You will need to connect LDR to +5V and ADC in (Pin 3 = AN1).
Connect a 22k to 100k resistor (or use 100k pot to deturmine a suitable value) from pin 3 to 0V.
For the switch connection, I have not used the internal pull-up resistor, so connect a 10K resistor from A0 (pin 2) to 0V.
Connect a SPST switch from pin 2 to +5V.
The pattern is selected by the single switch connected to pin 2 and the brightness is determined by the voltage that is at pin 3.
As the LDR gets brighter, the voltage across pin3 increases which in turn increases brightness.
The timer 2 interrupt is chosen to trigger every 0.1ms
So if you want to flash at 1 second then the interrupt will trigger 10000 times
Interrupt speed is chosen so the LEDs look like permanently on but dim due to persistence of vision.
Let me know if there is anything you don't understand and i will help you further.
Of course I can't confirm all is working as I don't have the same hardware as you.