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FC7 project won't compile with Win10(64) + xc8 2.31

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2021 7:29 pm
by chico
Hi -

I recently revived a mature FC7 ( project originally developed under Windows 10 32-bit. The original compiler version was XC8 1.41. It had previously compiled with no problems.

Since the original development I have moved on to Windows 10 64-bit and XC8 version 2.31.

The original project will not compile with my current system, Windows 10 64-bit / XC8 2.31. I get errors when I try to send a globally defined constant string to my 4x20 LCD display:

Code: Select all

Launching the compiler...
C:\Program Files\Microchip\xc8\v2.31\pic\bin\xc8.exe  --chip=18F4620 "HT_ICP05_v15_4620.c" --MSGDISABLE=359,1273,1388
C:\PROGRA~1\MICROC~1\xc8\v2.31\pic\bin\picc18 --chip=18F4620 HT_ICP05_v15_4620.c --MSGDISABLE=359,1273,1388
Microchip MPLAB XC8 C Compiler V2.31
Build date: Oct 12 2020
Part Support Version: 2.31

<< deleted info...>>

HT_ICP05_v15_4620.c: FCM_check_menu()
  9851:	FCD_04071_LCD__PrintString("1.DISABLE", FCVsz_MENU_ITEM_01);
	                                        ^ (192) undefined identifier "FCVsz_MENU_ITEM_01"
  9859:	FCD_04071_LCD__PrintString("2.  FILL TUB", FCVsz_MENU_ITEM_02);
	                                           ^ (192) undefined identifier "FCVsz_MENU_ITEM_02"
  9867:	FCD_04071_LCD__PrintString("3. SET TARGET TMP", FCVsz_MENU_ITEM_03);
	                                                ^ (192) undefined identifier "FCVsz_MENU_ITEM_03"
  9887:	FCD_04071_LCD__PrintString("4. SET NO HOT TMP", FCVsz_MENU_ITEM_04);
	                                                ^ (192) undefined identifier "FCVsz_MENU_ITEM_04"
  9919:	FCD_04071_LCD__PrintString("5. DRAIN TUB", FCVsz_MENU_ITEM_05);
	                                           ^ (192) undefined identifier "FCVsz_MENU_ITEM_05"
  9927:	FCD_04071_LCD__PrintString("6. SET TRNS DELAY", FCVsz_MENU_ITEM_06);
	                                                ^ (192) undefined identifier "FCVsz_MENU_ITEM_06"

<<...etc. etc. etc...>>
FCVsz_MENU_ITEM_01 comes from a global constant string MENU_ITEM_01, which is defined in Flowcode as "1. DISABLE". Each of the other undefined identifiers contain similar menu strings.

Next I brought up an old Windows 10 32-bit backup running the original FC7 and XC8 1.41, and the original project compiles correctly on the restored system. The only differences are the OS (32-bit vs. 64-bit) and the XC8 version (1.41 vs. 2.31).

My question, before I go through the tedious process of uninstalling and reinstalling FC7 and the different XC8 versions:

Can anyone tell me is this might be an FC7 known issue, or an XC8 1.41 vs. XC8 2.31 issue? Or any other ideas?


Re: FC7 project won't compile with Win10(64) + xc8 2.31

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2021 7:37 pm
by chico
OK, I guess I missed it first time through, but just saw the post about FC7 updates:

Code: Select all

Flowcode 7 - Updates Since 7.3

Flowcode.exe - Main Executable

bug: Constant Strings were causing compilation errors when used as a macro parameter
I'll download that update and try it out, and will post back my results...

Re: FC7 project won't compile with Win10(64) + xc8 2.31

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2021 8:09 pm
by chico
Yes, the updates resolved my problem.

Thanks for keeping the older versions of Flowcode fixed and operational...

Re: FC7 project won't compile with Win10(64) + xc8 2.31

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2021 9:38 am
by Benj
Excellent thanks for letting us know :D