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FEATURE REQUESTS POLL 3/5: Display and Peripherials

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2017 7:14 pm
by EtsDriver
This is part 3 of 5 poll series.

This will contain some quick-runthrough about some improvements i've seen in the Feature requests section. The list is not in any order, i threw them around in excel and copy-pasted here.

Nextion displays
ST7920/ST7921 glcd controller support <--- (Someone forgot to send display for borrow, sorry Ben :oops: )
EtsDriver wrote: Hi!

I looked through these feature requests and saw someone had requested poll before, so i decided to throw one together that allows us as community to show our interests for improvements we'd like to see.

I tried to collect to the list all improvements that are possible/in investigation from MatrixTSL staff comments and have been sometime "added to the list"... List might not contain everything, please feel free to call out any missed ones or if something is allready solved!

This list is not a word written on a stone, and some features might never get added to the official to-do lists of MatrixTSL.

This poll will be open for 60 days since posting.

These five polls will consists from following areas:
Chip range
Display & Peripherials