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Descending counter project.

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2021 2:34 pm
by Fer_taca
I have the project of a down counter with a 16F883 and a 4-digit display module, of which I only use the 3 on the right.
The project with the simulator works perfect, but I have done the physical assembly and in the displays I have basically 2 problems:
1º.- According to the Flowcode manual, the display numbering, by default when placed in the simulation panel, is controlled from left to right with A0, A1, A2 and A3.
Actually I have observed that it is not like that, in the attached image I indicate how I have had to make the connections to make it work. I have come to this conclusion after many tests and multiple reviews of the connection between the microcontroller and the display, since the logical thing is that it was the reason for not working.
Pins A0 and A1 are interchanged.
Because of this I don't know if it will be a problem with Flowcode or with my program, although I think which is the former.
To arrive at this conclusion, I had to reduce the program until leaving a simple counter. I enclose both examples.

2º.- On the other hand I have problems with the visualization of the decimal point. I attach an image capture of the macro display properties where: the first parameter is the digit to display the value, the second parameter is the value itself and the third parameter is the one that commands the decimal point to turn on.
Being a common cathode display, if I set it to 1, the decimal point lights up. Right, this in the simulator works fine, perfect.
But in the actual montage what I observe is that the decimal points of the first and second digits are dimly lit and blinking.
What can this effect be?
What am I doing wrong?
The version I have of Flowcode is:

Thanks in advance for the help.

Re: Descending counter project.

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2021 2:35 pm
by Fer_taca
Attached the connection of the display.

Re: Descending counter project.

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2021 7:05 pm
by medelec35
Hi, Fer_taca.
A few comments.
Fer_taca wrote:
Thu Oct 07, 2021 2:34 pm
The version I have of Flowcode is:
That version is well out of date.
You should be on version
Can you go to here
Close all instances of Flowcode, download patch and hotfix then run them in that order.
After you have done that, reopen your flowchart and right-click on the Quad 7 seg display that is on your 3D panel & select help.
Scroll down to the timer-based examples and learn how they work.
It's far better to use the timer interrupt for controlling quad 7 seg LEDs as only one 7seg can ever be on at a time.
We can then look into the issues you are facing.

Re: Descending counter project.

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2021 9:34 pm
by Fer_taca
Thanks for the reply.
Make it work by changing the development of the program.
