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PIC18F45K50 FVR & IOC Port C not working

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2019 2:03 pm
by Niko
I hope somebody can please confirm and fix what I believe is a serious bug with the 18F45K50.fcdx device file...

I am in the process of porting over code from PIC18F4550 to 18F45K50 specifically because I want to use the FVR part of the ADC module and the IOC Port C functions.

In the case of the FVR for the ADC it does not appear as an option when I try to select the ADC reference voltage in the properties window of a Potentiometer, only VDD and Vref+ appear.

I traced this to missing code in the 18F45K50.fcdx file, by comparing to a similar device that has a working FVR, namely 18F45K22...

<option name='VDD' value='0' />
<option name='Vref+' value='1' />
<option name='FVR' value='2' />

I copied this section of code from 18F45K22.fcdx to 18F45K50.fcdx and confirmed FVR now appeared in the properties list with VDD and VRef+.

As for the Interrupt ON Change (IOC) function for Port C, it does not appear as an option when selecting what type of interrupt I am setting up. IOC for Port B does appear along with all the other interrupts. It also would not compile successfully when I was just using IOC Port B pins.

Checking the 18F45K50.fcdx file again, I can clearly see an error in the following line where IOC functionality is defined, it is defined for port A and B, not port B and C. I am not sure what is the correct contents of this line of code as I cannot find a a similar device to copy from. The closest I could find was 18F45K40, which has IOC functions for Port A, B and C. But I suspect it may not be transferable to 18F45K50.fcxd.

<interrupt ident='IOC0' type='multipin' name='IOC PORTA&b' handler='#ifndef MX_INTHANDLER_INTCON_RABIF\n#define MX_INTHANDLER_INTCON_RABIF\nchar mxtmp;\nif (ts_bit(INTCON, RABIF) && ts_bit(INTCON, RABIE))\n{\n\tFCM_%n();\n\tmxtmp=PORTB;\n\tcr_bit(INTCON, RABIF);\n}\n#else\n#warning "This interrupt has previously been enabled, so the macro <%n> may never get called."\n#endif\n' enable='IOCA=%pA0v;\nIOCB=%pB0v;\nst_bit(INTCON, RABIE);\n' disable='cr_bit(INTCON, RABIE);\n' >

I believe this problem is also in 18F25K50.fcdx file.

Please help.

Re: PIC18F45K50 FVR & IOC Port C not working

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2019 5:10 pm
by Benj

Many thanks for letting us know. I have now fixed the problems you mentioned and pushed the changes to the v8 update system. In Flowcode simply use the Help -> Check for updates menu to get the latest files.

Re: PIC18F45K50 FVR & IOC Port C not working

Posted: Wed Sep 25, 2019 12:43 pm
by Niko
Thank you very much for the prompt fix Ben.

I have updated and confirmed FVR is now available in ADC functions and IOC for Ports B & C are present in the interrupts selection list and my code compiles successfully for 18F45K50.

Now you need to make the same changes to the other device files in the 18F45K50 family, I have checked and found the same problem for both FVR and IOC Ports in the following device files...


FYI.. looks to me like the error comes from the 18(L)F1XK50 family of devices that actually do have IOC interrupts on Ports A & B, not B & C and a FVR option for the ADC. I have checked and this device family does not seem to have the same problem. I suspect a cut and paste type error without checking the device datasheet.

Re: PIC18F45K50 FVR & IOC Port C not working

Posted: Wed Sep 25, 2019 2:14 pm
by LeighM
Thanks for the post.
I've just checked our repo and it looks like Ben already spotted that.
Could you try a "Full Database" update?

Re: PIC18F45K50 FVR & IOC Port C not working

Posted: Wed Sep 25, 2019 3:33 pm
by Niko
Thanks Leigh, full database update done, all good now. :)