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Hello {FIRST_NAME}, in this edition:


  • Flowcode 4.3 and future offers
  • RCS remote control
  • MIAC CAN bus pack
  • SRF02 ultra sonic range finder with I2C interface
  • FlowKit
  • Your views count -  "Harry Tuttle" gets £150 in Matrix products for his published article

Flowcode 4.3 updates and future offers 

We are pleased to announce that the latest update for Flowcode 4 is out now. Click here to download.

To thank all our customers who have purchased Flowcode 4 for PIC, next month we will be producing a fantastic hardware offer exclusively for E News readers. Look out for full details and the special code in the next edition.  


How to make a remote control project using the RC5 protocol

In this month's Knowledge Exchange we explain the basics of the RC5 remote control protocol. An example program and simple circuit diagram demonstrate how to implement remote control using a MIAC and a low-cost, universal remote control handset. The RC5 decoder software is interrupt driven and can be easily imported into other user programs to meet the requirements of a large range of control and switching applications. This example can easily be converted to run on any chip supported by Flowcode.

“RC5 is a communications protocol developed by Philips for infra-red remote control. It is in common use with many domestic appliances, and is available as an option in most programmable handsets…” read more

MIAC CAN bus pack

MIAC (Matrix Industrial Automotive Controller) is a low cost industrial grade control unit which can be used to control a wide range of different electronic systems including sensing, monitoring and automotive. Each MIAC unit is fitted with an internal CAN bus interface which allows a control network, over 500m, to be easily formed from the three units using simple twisted pair wire. Click here for more information.

To take advantage, contact your dealer.


SRF02 ultra sonic range finder with I2C interface

This Knowledge Exchange article was created by our Forum user "Harry Tuttle" who will receive £150 in Matrix products of his choice. The article looks at using a SRF02 I2C range finder module which can digitally measure a distance in centimetres, inches or microseconds using an ultrasonic ping.

"The SRF02 and it’s similar siblings provide simple and affordable range finding in a small package. The default address of the SRF02 can be changed allowing up to 16 devices to be connected to the same two wire I2C (Inter-Integrated Circuit) bus ..." read more

Your views count - £150

We'd be pleased to receive your article for future content and if we publish it like the one above, we will send you a voucher for £150 towards future purchases at Matrix. Email your suggestions to .

HP299 FlowKit 

The FlowKit ICD tool is a great new way of debugging your Flowcode V4 embedded programs.  Basically if Flowcode V4 can target the hardware like E-Blocks or MIAC then the FlowKit ICD tool can debug it. Remember, this great ICD tool is built into our EB006 Mulitprogrammer V7. Click here to read how to use it.

FlowKit is designed to work with Flowcode for PICmicro from version 4.2 and AVR from version 4.


To take advantage, contact your dealer.


Development Engineers 

Our forum contains details of engineers who can do development work for you. For more details Click here.

Find out about 

 Formula Flowcode  Crossgrade (3).jpg  EB.jpg  ALKB.gif C copy.gif  MIAC.jpg HP794-72-1.jpg asenn.gif  ECIO28P-72-1.jpg
 Flowcode  E-Blocks  Locktronics    Software  MIAC  Robotics  Sensors  ECIO


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