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Hello {FIRST_NAME}, in this edition:


  • Working with hi brightness LED's
  • MIAC example programs
  • Exhibitions
  • Freelance help
  • MIAC with Flowcode offer
  • Flowcode 4 download
  • Your views count - now £150 in Matrix products for published articles

MIAC example programs

For this month's Knowledge Exchange, we have released a collection of MIAC example programs and schematics. Applications range from simple input and output demonstrations, to more complex motor control and CAN bus applications. For example, in the MOTOR2 program, you can set the speed and direction of two independent d.c. motors which are controlled using the MIAC keypad.

“This article describes the development of one of the MIAC example programs available for download from our website.” read more

MIAC – with complimentary Flowcode 

MIAC is an industrial-grade programmable electronic controller that can be used to control a wide range of different electronic systems for sensing, monitoring, control and automotive applications. MIAC is fast and easy to program with Flowcode, C or Assembly. MIAC comes with:


- an industrial-standard CAN bus interface              
- 8 digital or analogue inputs 
- relay outputs  
- 4 motor outputs with speed control
- 4 line LCD display and control keys  

For more information and full contents, click here. To take advantage, contact your dealer.

FC andMIAC.gif

Freelance engineers and help with projects

We have recently introduced a new section to our forums where our customers can advertise their skills and receive offers for contract work from other customers.  If you too would like the possibility of receiving offers for work, please add you details to this forum.

If you need professional help with any aspect of your project, you can contact the freelancers directly (e.g. via private message on the forum) or add a post to this forum explaining your requirements.

Click here to see the forum for more details.

Working with hi brightness LED's

LEDs are all around us in the modern world. However the basics of driving a LED correctly are more complicated than at first glance. In this Knowledge Exchange article we explore the correct way to drive a number of hi brightness LEDs for use in an application.

“A very simple way of determining if a microcontroller is behaving correctly is through the use of LEDs. This could take the form of a simple “on light” to let you know there is power going to the device through to displaying binary numbers to indicate traffic on a communications bus.” read more

Flowcode 4 - download

Even with all the great extras we have added,  Flowcode still allows those with little experience to create complex electronic and robotic systems The Knowledge Exchange contains articles on Flowcode 4 including a brief guide to hosting and using the virtual network simulation tool.

We have created a well featured version of Flowcode 4 to download. This is a working version of Flowcode which is limited in functionality. Click here to download.

For more information and full contents, click here.  To take advantage, contact your dealer.



If you missed us at World Didac in Delhi, we would be very pleased to see you at any of the shows we will be exhibiting at in the next 6 months including:

18 - 20 November 2009
Elektor Live Eindhoven 21 November 2009
Design and Technology      Birminghman      
19 - 21 November 2009  
ASE Nottingham 7 - 9 January
Didacta Cologne 16 - 20 March 2010

Educatec Paris 2009

Vous pouvez voir la dernière version de Flowcode chez Educatec à Paris entre les 18 et 20 novembre.

Your views count - £150

We'd be pleased to receive your news, top tips for using our products and suggestions for future content. If we publish your articles, we will send you a voucher for £150 towards future purchases at Matrix. Email your suggestions to .

Find out about 
 Formula Flowcode  Crossgrade (3).jpg  EB.jpg  ALKB.gif C copy.gif  MIAC.jpg HP794-72-1.jpg asenn.gif  ECIO28P-72-1.jpg
 Flowcode  E-Blocks  Locktronics    Software  MIAC  Robotics  Sensors  ECIO

If you live outside the UK, click on the link to find your local distributor.

Contact us
If you need any help finding the right product simply look through our datasheets at or phone one of our experts on:       +44 1422 252 383.

Professional demonstration
If you would like to know whats new and how Matrix can help develop your training course or add value to your business, then why not email to learn more about our free demonstrations.

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