EASA Digital Techniques - Module 5
This comprehensive solution bundles together 2 products:
Digital Techniques in Aviation - BL2976
Together they are designed to fulfil the requirements or the European Safety Agency (EASA) module 5 - Digital Techniques qualification.
This offering includes 2 student led curriculum, supplied free of charge with over 15 hours of learning.
Learning objectives:
- Hexadecimal, decimal and binary number systems
- Message multiplexing
- Interconnection of electronics modules in aircraft systems
- Sensors in aircraft
- CAN/ARINC 825 bus systems in aircraft
- CAN/ARINC 825 bus fault-finding with a multimeter
- CAN/ARINC 825 bus fault-finding with an oscilloscope
- Built-in test, monitoring and fault-finding
- Fly-by-wire systems
- CAN bus message structure and protocol
- Electronic Flight Information Systems
- PC-based diagnosis software tools
- Use of GPS.
- Microcontroller chips and types
- Microcontroller technology: CPU, ROM, RAM, ALU, inputs, outputs, clock, internal peripherals
- Microcontroller circuits and systems
- Microcontroller programming:
- Flow chart programming techniques
- Inputs, Outputs, Delays, IF...THEN, While, Goto points, Calculations, Decisions, Subroutines
- Compilers, Assemblers, Linkers
- Variables, open loop control, closed loop control
- LED indicators, 7-segment LED displays
- Switches - push to make and slide
- Serially addressed LCD displays
- Potentiometers and sensors
- PWM control of motors, stepper motors, servo motors,
- Microcontroller communications and multiplexing
- Digital to Analogue conversion and Analogue to Digital conversion
- CAN bus for communications
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