Selecting Compiler Options (PICmicro)

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<sidebar>Sidebar: Managing Compiler Options</sidebar> Allows users to set the Compiler options.

Options list

See the Managing Compiler Options topic for more information on using this feature.

Gen Compiler Options Compiler PIC.png

Substitute variables used by Flowcode

$(chip) Target name e.g. 30F2011

$(chipalt) Alternate target name e.g. dsPIC30F2011

$(target) Filename without extension e.g. C:\Dev\Test\Mytest.fcf becomes - C:\Dev\Test\Mytest

$(srcdir) Directory location of the Flowcode file

$(appdir) Directory location of Flowcode

Using the BoostC Compiler

Compiler location

Sets the Compiler location.



Compiler parameters

Adds command line parameters when called from Flowcode


-v -t PIC$(chip:u) "$(target).c"

Gen Compiler Options Linker Assembler PIC.png

Linker/Assembler location

Sets the Assembler program location.



Linker/Assembler parameters

Adds command line parameters when called from Flowcode


-ld "$(appdir)compilers\pic\boostc\lib" libc_$(family:/12F/16F).lib rand_$(family:/12F/16F).lib float_$(family:/12F/16F).lib "$(target).obj" -t PIC$(chip:u) -d "$(outdir:~-1)" -p "$(target)"

Using the HI TECH C Compiler

Compiler location

Sets the Compiler location.

Default 16F:

C:\Program Files (x86)\HI-TECH Software\PICC\PRO\9.65\bin\picc.exe

Default 18F:

C:\Program Files (x86)\HI-TECH Software\PICC-18\PRO\9.63\bin\picc18.exe

Compiler parameters

Adds command line parameters when called from Flowcode


--CHIP=$(chip) -N48 $(target).c

Linker/Assembler location

Sets the Assembler program location.



Linker/Assembler parameters

Adds command line parameters when called from Flowcode



Programmer location

Gen Compiler Options Programmer PIC.png

Sets the Programmer application location.



To use the PICkit2 programmer change the location to


To use the PICkit3 programmer change the location to


Programmer parameters

Adds command line parameters for the Programmer application.


-cs 2 -chip PIC$(chip) -nogui "$(outdir)$(target).hex"

To use the PICkit2 programmer change the parameters to

-B $(appdir)tools\PICkit2\ -PPIC%p -F$(target).hex -M -A5 -R

To use the PICkit3 programmer change the parameters to

-P$(chip) -F$(target).hex -E -M -Y

Use Programmer to set configuration options

Check box to allow the Programmer application to be used to set up the configuration of the device. This setting needs to be unticked to allow you to use non default programming applications such as the PicKit2.

Configuration parameters

Supplies the command line parameters needed for configuration.


-cs 2 -chip PIC$(chip) -config

Note: The above Programmer defaults assume that you are using the PPP Programming application from Matrix Multimedia. If you are using an alternative programming application you will need to consult the documentation for that application for the required parameters and settings.

Gen Compiler Options File Viewer PIC.png

Additionally configuration words can be embedded into the program using the Supplementary code feature, or C Code icons.

For help using the PicKit2 Programmer with Flowcode, untick the "Use Programmer to set configuration options" button and then click here to view the configuration settings required.

File Viewer location

Sets the File viewer location for viewing C and Assembly files.



File Viewer parameters

Adds command line parameters for the File viewer program

Default Assembly file viewer


Default external program to view source files
