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Resistor Specifications

<^< Resistors | Course Index | Examples: Resistor Specifications >^>

The specifications for a resistor usually include:

1 The value of resistance (expressed in Ω, kΩ or MΩ)

2 The accuracy or tolerance (quoted as the maximum permissible percentage deviation from the marked value)

3 The power rating (which must be equal to, or greater than, the maximum expected power dissipation).

Other practical considerations when selecting resistors for use in a particular application include temperature coefficient, noise performance, stability, and ambient temperature range.


Due to manufacturing tolerances, a resistor marked with a value of 100Ω will not usually have a value of precisely 100Ω. For example, a resistor marked 100Ω and produced with a tolerance of ±10% will have a value which falls within the range 90Ω to 110Ω.

Resistors are usually produced with tolerances of ±2%, ±5% or ±10% and the tolerance rating is indicated by one of the coloured bands on the body of the resistor; red = 2%, gold = 5%, silver = ±10%, no tolerance stripe = 20%.

<^< Resistors | Course index | Examples: Resistor Specifications >^>

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Page last modified on July 19, 2011, at 11:00 AM