impossible to compile hex with flowcode3

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impossible to compile hex with flowcode3

Post by maestrostudio »

It's possible to compile in c but not in hex !!!

here is my error code. Have you a solution ?

Launching the compiler...

C:\Program Files\Matrix Multimedia\Flowcode_AVR\Tools\MX_bats\avra.bat atmega32 "C:\DOCUME~1\Administrateur\Bureau\examples\allumer led.elf" "C:\DOCUME~1\Administrateur\Bureau\examples\allumer led.c" "C:\DOCUME~1\Administrateur\Bureau\examples\allumer led.lst"

'C:\PROGRA~1\Matrix' n'est pas reconnu en tant que commande interne
ou externe, un programme ex‚cutable ou un fichier de commandes.

Return code = 1

Flowcode a Γ©tΓ© incapable de traduire l'algorigramme en code C Γ  cause des erreurs suivantes :

Si votre algorigramme contient du code C, examinez ce code soigneusement. Si votre algorigramme ne contient aucun code C ou si vous avez minutieusement rΓ©visΓ© le code, contactez la technique.


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Re: impossible to compile hex with flowcode3

Post by Sean »

We have tried to replicate this problem on several versions of Windows, using identical settings, but without success.

Has your copy of Flowcode been installed to the default location C:\Program Files\Matrix Multimedia\Flowcode_AVR?

The problem seems to be caused by the space in the Matrix Multimedia section of the file path for the compiler batch file. There may be several possible solutions to this problem. The simplest will be to replace Matrix Multimedia with its shortend version Matrix~1 in all the location strings in the Chip -> Compiler Options menu.

Here are the replacement location strings for Compiler, Linker /Assembler, and Programmer respectively:

C:\Program Files\Matrix~1\Flowcode_AVR\Tools\MX_bats\avra.bat
C:\Program Files\Matrix~1\Flowcode_AVR\Tools\MX_bats\avrb.bat
C:\Program Files\Matrix~1\Flowcode_AVR\Tools\MX_bats\avrc.bat

If this does not solve the problem, it might be possible to replace the Program Files section with Progra~1.

If these changes do not solve the problem, please contact us again with a copy of the error messages, and let us know the version of Windows you are using.

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Re: impossible to compile hex with flowcode3

Post by maestrostudio »

My copy of Flowcode has been installed to the default location C:\Program Files\Matrix Multimedia\Flowcode_AVR?

I replace location strings for Compiler, Linker /Assembler, and Programmer respectively:

I try also
C:\Program Files\Matrix~1\Flowcode_AVR\Tools\MX_bats\avra.bat
C:\Program Files\Matrix~1\Flowcode_AVR\Tools\MX_bats\avrb.bat
C:\Program Files\Matrix~1\Flowcode_AVR\Tools\MX_bats\avrc.bat

It does'nt work and teh error msg is :
impossible de compiler le fichier .c avec atmega32 "f:\aa\flowcode1.elf ............
vΓ©rifiez que l'emplacements et les options du compilateur sont correctes.

I have windows xp pro version 2002 sp2
best regards

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Re: impossible to compile hex with flowcode3

Post by Sean »


Unfortunately, weare still unable to re-create any of these error conditions.

The previous changes seem to result in a different error message. It is possible that the parameters for the compiler options are incorrect.

These are the strings that should should be present as the parameters for:

%t "%D\%f.elf" "%D\%f.c" "%D\%f.lst"

Linker / Assembler:
"%D\%f.elf" "%D\%f.hex"

%a avrispmkii usb "%f.hex" %cfg %c0 %c1 %c2 %c3

These parametes should be present after clicking on the 'Restore Defaults' button. Can you confirm that this is the case, and make any corrections if the strings have become corrupted.

I have also attached a copy of the MX_bats folder. The contents can be used to replace the files in the Tools/MX_bats folder of your Flowcode installation if the solution above does not solve he problem.
(1.25 KiB) Downloaded 491 times
If none of these measures solve the problem, it might be necessary to re-install Flowcode. The latest version is available from our website. You will not need to re-enter any registration information.

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Re: impossible to compile hex with flowcode3

Post by maestrostudio »

The strings that should should be present are ok

%t "%D\%f.elf" "%D\%f.c" "%D\%f.lst"

Linker / Assembler:
"%D\%f.elf" "%D\%f.hex"

%a avrispmkii usb "%f.hex" %cfg %c0 %c1 %c2 %c3

i test the mxbat without result.
None of these measures solve the problem, so i re-install the latest version Flowcode.
The same error message appear !!!
Have you an other solution ?

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Re: impossible to compile hex with flowcode3

Post by Sean »


Could you send us the full set of messages returned by Flowcode when you try to compile using the shortened path names:

C:\Program Files\Matrix~1\Flowcode_AVR\Tools\MX_bats\avra.bat
C:\Program Files\Matrix~1\Flowcode_AVR\Tools\MX_bats\avrb.bat
C:\Program Files\Matrix~1\Flowcode_AVR\Tools\MX_bats\avrc.bat

This is the sequence of messages I get during a successful compilation:

Launching the compiler...

C:\Program Files\Matrix Multimedia\Flowcode_AVR\Tools\MX_bats\avra.bat atmega32 "C\DOCUME~1\MYDOCU~1\MYFLOW~1\AVR\mmTests\i2ctest1.elf" "C:\DOCUME~1\MYDOCU~1\MYFLOW~1\AVR\mmTests\i2ctest1.c" "C:\DOCUME~1\MYDOCU~1\MYFLOW~1\AVR\mmTests\i2ctest1.lst"

C:\Documents and Settings\My Documents\My Flowcode\AVR\mmTests>"C:\PROGRA~1\MATRIX~1\FL4A48~1\Tools\MX_bats\..\bin\avr-gcc.exe" -mmcu=atmega32 -Os -funsigned-char -o "C:\DOCUME~1\MYDOCU~1\MYFLOW~1\AVR\mmTests\i2ctest1.elf" "C:\DOCUME~1\MYDOCU~1\MYFLOW~1\AVR\mmTests\i2ctest1.c"

C:\Documents and Settings\My Documents\My Flowcode\AVR\mmTests>"C:\PROGRA~1\MATRIX~1\FL4A48~1\Tools\MX_bats\..\bin\avr-objdump.exe" -S "C:\DOCUME~1\MYDOCU~1\MYFLOW~1\AVR\mmTests\i2ctest1.elf" 1>"C:\DOCUME~1\MYDOCU~1\MYFLOW~1\AVR\mmTests\i2ctest1.lst"

If you can send me the equivalent messages from your compilation, I will try to locate the source of the problem.

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Re: impossible to compile hex with flowcode3

Post by maestrostudio »

I send you the full set of messages returned by Flowcode when i try to compile using the shortened path names:

Impossible de compiler le fichier C avec atmega324 "F:\aa\flowcode1.elf""F:\aa\flowcode1.c""F:\aa\flowcode1.lst".
vΓ©rifier que l'emplacement et les options du compilateur sont corrects.

thanks for answer

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Re: impossible to compile hex with flowcode3

Post by Sean »


I have now been able to replicate the latest problem, but only when the compiler file path is replaced with the parameter list information information.

The Chip -> Compiler Options window should look something like this (with the shortened path names from a previous post):
AVRCompOpt.JPG (48.67 KiB) Viewed 16931 times
(Note: The location strings extend beyond the end of the text boxes.)

Can you confirm that this is the case, and that this still causes the compilation error?

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Re: impossible to compile hex with flowcode3

Post by maestrostudio »


I confirm that the two cases causes the same compilation error.


C:\Program Files\Matrix~1\Flowcode_AVR\Tools\MX_bats\avra.bat
C:\Program Files\Matrix~1\Flowcode_AVR\Tools\MX_bats\avrb.bat
C:\Program Files\Matrix~1\Flowcode_AVR\Tools\MX_bats\avrc.bat

compilation error:
impossible de compiler le fichier .c avec atmega32 "f:\aa\flowcode1.elf ............
vΓ©rifiez que l'emplacements et les options du compilateur sont correctes.

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Re: impossible to compile hex with flowcode3

Post by Sean »

We are checking the effects of a range of Windows settings on the ability to interpret the Flowcode compilation commands (particularly regional and language settings), and will provide more information tomorrow.

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Re: impossible to compile hex with flowcode3

Post by Sean »

Unfortunately we are still unable to replicate the problems you are experiencing with the Flowcode for AVR compilation (without using faulty data), despite using several machines setup in a variety of configurations. We are also unaware of any other instances of these problems, but would be keen to hear from anyone else who has experienced them.

As a short term solution, it might be possible to install Flowcode to a location that has short folder names with no spaces in them (e.g. C:\FC_AVR). If you are able to try this, and let us know the results, we will continue trying to resolve the problem.

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Re: impossible to compile hex with flowcode3

Post by maestrostudio »

I try to install in this folder "C:\flow_avr\" and now it run correctly.
Thanks so much for your help.
Best regards

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Re: impossible to compile hex with flowcode3

Post by Steve »

I think I've discovered the cause of this problem. There is a setting in the Windows registry called "NtfsDisable8dot3NameCreation" which disables the default generation of short (8dot3) filenames. This is documented here: ... x?mfr=true

If this is set to 1, then Flowcode and/or its toolchain will have problems resolving the exact location of various tools and files.

If this is the case for you, you have 2 choices:
A) Reinstall Flowcode (and PPP) into a directory structure with short folder names

B) Temporarily turn off the "NtfsDisable8dot3NameCreation" setting and reinstall Flowcode. This fix is a little complex, but I will explain how to do it here for anyone else experiencing this problem:

1) Edit the registry and set this value back to 0

2) Restart your PC

3) Uninstall Flowcode and PPP (if it is used)

4) Make sure the "C:\Program Files\Matrix Multimedia" folder no longer exists

5) Reinstall Flowcode (and PPP)

6) Change the "NtfsDisable8dot3NameCreation" setting back to 1 (if you want to) and restart

(but remember, do not edit the registry if you are not sure what you are doing)

Hopefully that will solve this problem for anyone else experiencing it.

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