Auto Power Off for MCU

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Auto Power Off for MCU

Post by mnf »

An Easter (and (sadly) covid-19 project...

This started as a project for work - I need to record various info (time, temp etc) on a user input.
I wanted battery power - which meant an auto shut off.

So - to demonstrate - I created a thermometer (currently o.o.s. everywhere) - press the button, top left. This connects to a Zero Power switch (NanoTech) - though several YouTube videos display a way how to do similar using a thyristor and a (smaller) handful of discrete components.

This passes the power to a LM7805 voltage regulator which powers the Arduino - in this case a Nano (although my ultimate aim is an ATTiny85 with i2c eeprom and RTC)

The Arduino here powers a DS18B20 sensor using pin D2 as power (gnd is next door for convenience) and D8 as data (there is a 4k7 resistor between them) D6 is connected to the power swicth with a pull up resistor (570kOhm) to give a weak pull-up. Pulling this pin low turns the power (and thus the board) off. Because of the time the Arduino takes to 'boot' up - pulling the pin high takes too long to hold the power on - hence the pull-up to latch the power on after the momentary button press.

Here the temperature (and a 60s countdown) is displayed on an i2c OLED display (thanks to medelec for the conversion code - but why does the one wire component only give raw data ?)
The Arduino is powered for 60s (to give the temperature time to stablise) before shutting off - to be powered by a pp3 or 6 x aa batteries (in the photo it is wired to a bench power supply)
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temp_1.jpg (159.24 KiB) Viewed 8624 times
I am tempted to create the smallest component - a PwrPin property and a PowerOff macro!


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Re: Auto Power Off for MCU

Post by Benj »

Hi Martin,

Looks like a very nice project there.
I am tempted to create the smallest component - a PwrPin property and a PowerOff macro!
Sounds like an excellent idea, exporting known working code as components is a great way to allow you to easily reuse the code in another future project. If you share here then others can use it too :D ALso nothing wrong with it being small and simple, means there is less to go wrong :wink:
why does the one wire component only give raw data ?
Ideally we need to do more with this and build some more layers on top to work with the specific sensors etc. I've added this to my list :D

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Re: Auto Power Off for MCU

Post by mnf »

Next step...

ATTiny85 (cheapo board from Banggood - not quite Digistump compatible). I set the fuses for the board to run at 16MHz (set manually in FC - the config options are a 'bit' confusing so I ignored them!) and checked with a 1s 'flasher'

As mentioned - not quite compatible with the Digistump boards - I couldn't get the USB to recognise under windows 10. So used the trusty USBTiny (v1.0) programmer - to program and this works well - found and used automatically by FC.

First a 'feasibility check' = can I get temp and i2c working (and the MCU programmed) - so connected a i2c 128 x 32 OLED display and a DHT11 sensor. Note that a kludge is needed here - the ATTiny doesn't have enough RAM to drive the display. So I changed the 'resolution' to 128 x 16 which worked nicely (with the line of text displayed centrally on the display)

Display connected to PB0 and PB2 and DHT11 data connected to PB3 - and all up and running in record time. So - not as easy to pop under the tongue - but suitable for workplace measurements.....

So: A simple Temp and humidity display using ATTiny85.
(10.84 KiB) Downloaded 303 times
Next step - add eeprom and clock (both i2c) - unfortunately I don't have boards with the same pin-outs which would make wiring very easy.


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Re: Auto Power Off for MCU

Post by viktor_au »

Hello Martin

Can you please publish the circuit diagram of your project?

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Re: Auto Power Off for MCU

Post by mnf »

Okay - I'd downloaded KiCad a while ago (on Martin's recommendation) so I'll have a go....

In the meantime:
I used a board from Banggood ... rehouse=CN - with hindsight it would have been better to get the programmer board and some loose chips...

I made a 'custom' programmer cable from some header pins to connect to the USBTiny MOSI to PB0, Miso to PB1 SCK to PB2 and RST to PB5 (plus power/gnd to breadboard rails)

The i2c (and rtc (DS3231)) connect to PB0 (SDA) and PB2 (SCL) The RTC board has a 24c32 memory chip onboard.. I haven't tested this yet but the RTC and display both work at 400khz.
No pullups - I think the display I used has one built in ... rehouse=UK

I connected the DHT11 data pin to PB3...

Gnd and VCC as required - I'll try and create my own latching power supply (rather than using the zero power board mentioned above) - handful of parts arrived from Banggood ready for testing...


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Re: Auto Power Off for MCU

Post by medelec35 »

Hi Martin
mnf wrote:I'd downloaded KiCad a while ago (on Martin's recommendation)
I have posted information on adding Digikey library here.

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