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Examples: Internal Resistance

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Example 1:

When no load is connected to a battery its output voltage is 1.5 V. However, when the battery is delivering a current of 1 A, its output voltage falls to 0.75 V.

Determine the internal resistance of the battery.

Now VOUT = V - (I × RS)

In this case, VOUT = 0.75 V, V = 1.5 V and I = 1 A.


0.75 = 1.5 - (1 × RS)


0.75 - 1.5 = - (1 × RS)

From which RS = 0.75 Ω

Example 2:

A battery has a no-load voltage of 12 V and an internal resistance of 0.2 Ω.

What voltage will the battery supply when it is delivering a current of 20 A?

Now VOUT = V - (I × RS)

In this case, V = 12 V and I = 20 A.


VOUT = 12 - (20 × 0.2)

VOUT = 12 - 4

From which VOUT = 8 V

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Page last modified on July 21, 2011, at 09:52 AM