USB port on a 16F877A

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USB port on a 16F877A

Post by Puddy32 »

Hi all
Im doing a project at collage at the moment with a 16F877A, motor controller with PID,
Im nearly finished and in the process of programming so I want to put a USB port onto my circuit board so i can programme it in circuit.
However I cant seem to get it right and it is frustrating to have to take out the chip everytime.
Would anyone have some info on how to put a usb port onto a 16F877A, wiring diagram?
Your help would be appreciated

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Re: USB port on a 16F877A

Post by JohnCrow »

Hi Puddy

The 16F877A does not have a built in USB function like the 18F4455/18F4550 type devices.You will need to use something like an FT232BL device.
Have you looked at the EB039 e-block.
This will connect to the UART on port C of your device. The data sheet for this will give you a starting point as to how the extra circuity will work
Unless you have to use the 16F877A it may be simpler to change to the 18F series device. Flowcode has built in functions to use USB with this chip.

Dont think this form of USB connection would let you program the chip in circuit though.

If I needed that option Id go for the ECIO40 or maybe the ECIO28 if it had enough I/O capabillity.
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Re: USB port on a 16F877A

Post by Puddy32 »

Hi John
Thanks for the reply
Unfortunately I have to use the 16F877A, I will check out what you suggested see how it goes.

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Re: USB port on a 16F877A

Post by Benj »


You can make a cable to go from your EB006 or HP488 programmer to program the device in your own circuitry. ... ?f=2&t=586

The cable has to remain fairly short but may help with the problem of moving the chip back and forth continuously.

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