DiWheel built using Flowcode 6

We have been working with INSA Lyon – one of France’s top technical Universities for many years. Our contact there, Benoit Pierret uses both Flowcode and E-blocks to deliver a combined electronics and mechanics degree. Recently, we received a video from Lyon of this years final project from their students. They had created a DiWheel.


A DiWheel is a vehicle with two large wheels where the centre of gravity sits below the wheel axle. The students went through various steps to get to a stage where they could test the DiWheel in action. First, mechanical design was important as part of the students’ project is to complete the actual solution. Then, the electronics of the vehicle need to be taken care of and at the heart of the DiWheel sits an accelerometer gyroscope where information is processed onto the built in dsPIC card to extract an angle for balance.

The first video, below shows the steps through which the students went in more detail, the range of E-blocks components which can be seen on the side of the DiWheel and also how the vehicle itself has been fantastically simulated using the 3D panel in Flowcode 6 itself to give proof of concept and design.

Note: you can watch these videos with English subtitles by going direct to YouTube and selecting ‘captions’ in the bottom of the video pane and then ensuring English captions are set to ‘on’.

The following video then shows how you can actually use the DiWheel:

We thought this was a great was of showing how much, in a project environment you can do using Flowcode and E-blocks combined. The first video above shows how an E-blocks lcd module is used for easy debugging features of the electronic system and a wifi module which delivers the remote control.

We have come across a number of DiWheel videos online over the past months – some created using Flowcode. If you’d like to share you inventions and projects from Flowcode and maybe even those using E-blocks, why not get in touch?

For more Flowcode features and information plus a free 30 day download – visit www.matrixltd.com/flowcode.

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