Germany….Again! But a new city.


I have just got back from a short trip to Didacta – Hannover 2015. Typically when we go to shows we are exhibiting our own products; BETT 2015 and World Didac to name a few. However, this time I was there to see what the German world of electronics in education is currently offering and speak to some of our existing customers and partners also. I’ve been to Germany 4-5 times now over the last year, it’s a country I actually really enjoy visiting, so it’s never a bad thing to be asked to go.

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I had an excellent day meeting existing partners, and introducing myself to new people. It’s great to go see how electronics is such a large part of the curriculum these days, and hopefully it further increases. If you’re quick you can still visit the show, but it ends tomorrow. There was one major thing I did find out though, I need to learn German!

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