Matrix Scottish success continues

Recently we have talked about the major successes we have been having in Scotland with our learning solutions, and here’s another. We recently paid a visit to New College, Lanarkshire’s Motherwell campus to showcase our Locktronics Automotive solutions and resources. John Taylor, Automotive Curriculum & Quality Leader at the College takes up the story from there…

“Within the Engineering and Automotive Faculty of New College Lanarkshire, we pride ourselves on being at the cutting edge of education and training for electrical, electronic and automotive engineers and technicians from a wide range of disciplines.

We use a number of the electronic kits supplied by Matrix TSL to demonstrate the operation and testing of electrical and electronic circuits and, particularly for us, automotive systems; we find the systems to be portable, robust and an ideal learning resource for all students at all levels. Students can build, test and understand the operation of a circuit on the bench; this ensures a good understanding of the current and voltage levels and the testing requirements before identifying and testing the same circuit on a vehicle.

The Matrix CAN bus solution comes in two formats. As standalone units (as above) or on Engineering panels; perfect for lab environments.

We recently had a demonstration and ordered the latest CAN bus system from Matrix. We were looking for a kit that was portable as it would be used across three different campuses and within a range of classrooms and workshops; the CAN bus solution fitted all of the requirements we were looking for to demonstrate to a wide range of students at different levels the operation, control, testing and repairs to a CAN bus system.

The kit will be used for full time students, apprentices and qualified technicians to enhance the knowledge and understanding of the CAN bus system operations.”

If you’re interested in us coming to see your department with any of our educational solutions, do not hesitate to get in touch and make an appointment today. Give us a call on 01422 252380.

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