Matrix visit ASEE in Seattle

Last week we had the pleasure of visiting, and exhibiting at, the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) conference in Seattle. ASEE occurs each year at a different location throughout the United States or Canada, and offers schools, colleges and universities the opportunity to find out the latest and greatest in engineering based subjects. Boasting over 100 stands, 350 technical sessions, and more than 1,400 published papers, the conference has something for everybody in the world of engineering.

StandImage forBlog
The Matrix TSL stand under construction before the ASEE conference.

On our stand we had two of our main lines of products, E-blocks and Locktronics. E-blocks allows users to quickly engage in rapid prototyping with microcontroller based systems, with a simple modular design approach to enbedded systems. Coupled with Flowcode, designers can create systems in a matter of minutes, without the requirement to understand complex programming languages. Locktronics is aimed at simplifying electricity. Users create electronic circuits from a range of over 200 ‘carriers’ to allow students to actively engage in learning. For more information contact Laura Stevens at Matrix on 01422 252380 or

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