Flowcode & MIAC providing Urban Electric Power in New York

I was in New York last week, for pleasure as well as business, and took some time to visit an existing customer and Flowcode user we have out there who are based in Manhattan. From my conversations with Michael Shmuckler and Damon Bruccoleri over the past 12 months I have learnt a lot about Urban Electric Power and what they do in the battery technology market globally.logo

Urban Electric Power (UEP) is a New York City based technology start-up, commercialising a breakthrough zinc anode battery technology for stationary energy storage applications, originally developed by the City University of New York (CUNY) Energy Institute.

UEP’s batteries compete in cost and reliability achieving 5,000+ charge-discharge cycles with over 85% round-trip energy efficiency at a lower cost than competing stationary storage technologies available today.

Created from the same environmentally sustainable materials as disposable alkaline batteries, Urban Electric Power’s innovative rechargeable zinc manganese dioxide (Zn-MnO2) battery technology offers a safer, lower-cost, high-performance alternative to lead acid and Li-ion batteries. Urban Electric Power’s cost-effective batteries can provide significant customer savings and improve power quality and reliability.

Crucially to us here at Matrix, Michael and the team of engineers at UEP are using our rugged MIAC industrial controller and the CAN bus features it offers in their fully integrated battery racks are designed to be a Li-ion drop in replacement at a lower cost, longer life and 100% inherently safe chemistry for urban and sustainable rural environments. You can see the MIAC in the grid rack picture below.



One of the great advantages of the MIAC E-system is that it provides a very flexible set of parts that can be used to create a vast range of electrical systems in a very short time. No programming experience is necessary and, although the system uses CAN bus communications, no knowledge of CAN bus is needed to develop the system. Michael is also using Flowcode. He worked with the Matrix development team to develop interrupt routines on the unit which lead to the energy saving craved by todays industries.

MIAC logo

You can learn more about UEP’s story as they work towards commercialisation of their project on their website, www.urbanelectricpower.com, about Flowcode at www.matrixtsl.com/flowcode and about MIAC at www.matrixtsl.com/miac.php

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