Flowcode 6 Training

This week has been really busy – we haven’t even had time to post too much on our wonderful blog! However, it has all been because of one really important reason. We have welcomed 9 of our important partners, dealers and trainers from around the world to Matrix HQ to teach them all about Flowcode version 6 for a couple of days.

We have enjoyed the company of Ali and Mr Pandy from our Indian dealer, Technics. Teuvo and his colleagues from Finland and Bart from a school in Belgium. We have also had a number of trainers from around the UK descend upon our Halifax base. The picture below shows some of them with our Development Team.


It is really important that we teach these people the reasons for our advances in version 6 from previous versions and take on board their feedback. It is great experience for our Development Team too who have got loads of vital information.

Also, check out how fantastic our new training facility is looking now (below), with all the equipment installed. We will be running a number of training programmes in the coming weeks/months on all sorts from Locktronics Automotive to Flowcode at both beginners and advanced level – check out our website for more.


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