Flowcode 8 Beginners Guide: My first program

Following the release of Flowcode we are keen to present new users with an introduction to how Flowcode could be useful to engineers of all abilities. Whether users are programming microcontroller based hardware, or wish to learn more about programming or coding, Flowcode is an intuitive solution that may be of interest.

We are putting together a series of “Beginners Guide” videos, which are designed to give a new user an insight into how Flowcode 8 could work for you. in the first of the series, we introduce a users first program – the simple LED Flash example and how you create such a program in simulation mode within Flowcode itself.

If you would like to try out Flowcode 8, there is a free version that can be downloaded here. You can also unlock this for a fully featured 30 day trial. For further support, do not hesitate to contact us, or check our the support resources available free of charge on our website.

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