Training the world’s leading automotive manufacturers

Vehicle Electronics are more important than ever before. Nowadays, the average car contains several hundred computers which interconnect to provide low cost high functionality transport for millions with an ever-increasing feature set.

Matrix TSL’s Locktronics kits for Automotive Training are designed to deliver understanding to Automotive technicians from an early and fundamental level. With three levels of kits from Electricity and Magnetism through to complex CAN bus, Sense and Control and Hybrid kits, we are now supplying some of the World’s most well-known vehicle manufacturers.

This month, Matrix Managing Director John Dobson visited Paris to train a group of 5 delegates from Iveco – part of the Fiat Industrial group. The emphasis of the training was to increase understanding of auto electric systems to reduce the time taken to rectify auto-electric faults.

John says; “around 30% of the faults in vehicles are now due to the electrical system, but many Auto technicians still don’t feel comfortable with diagnosing and rectifying the problems. The Automotive industry has a huge skills gap that we are addressing with Locktronics products and training.’

Matrix training Iveco on CAN Bus


This presents a huge opportunity to Matrix to develop technicians’ understanding. We have already succeeded in many ways by supplying leading manufacturers with Locktronics kits. Jaguar Land Rover across many training centres around the World, BMW and most recently Ford across the whole of the Asia-Pacific region have chosen Locktronics as their training resource of choice for vehicle electronics.”

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