We have moved!

Hello. I am John Dobson – the Managing Director of Matrix. When I am not working I like to be out doors walking and cycling. This photo was taken in the Tees valley in the North of England.


Some of you will be aware that we have moved premises recently to a refurbished building in the centre of Halifax. This has been a massive upheaval but the plan is coming together now. I thought you might like to see a few photographs so:


This photograph shows the outside of the building which is around 11,000 square feet. It has had lots of uses in the past including being used as a dye works and as a place to manufacture fish and chip ranges. We have had it cladded and insulated so hopefully it will be nice and warm in winter. It is not in the best part of Halifax so we have installed all sorts of security measures including a big palisade fence to deter potential intruders.



This shows our stock hall which is around 3000 square feet. We moved in around two and a half weeks ago but there is still a lot of sorting out to do. We thought we would have masses of space as our last building was 4,500 square feet. But we can not believe the amount of stuff that was squeezed into our old building – it almost feels like we need a bigger place already.


This photograph shows our manufacturing hall which is just shy of 2,000 square feet. We are in the process of changing over to new workbenches which you can see on the left – the old ones were home made from wood and MDF sheeting. You can see in the right hand corner that there is still work to do. We have a new floor with 50mm insulation and the roof has fully insulated panels with clear panels as well. The light in this hall is great for working with.

That’s all for now. I can’t show you the other rooms yet – just too messy! I will update this in a few weeks when everything is sorted out.

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