MicroCNC system controller and base plate


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Suitable for:

  • Unit 23 of BTEC Higher National: CAD/CAM
  • Unit 43 of the BTEC National award in Engineering: Manufacturing CNC machines processes

The MicroCNC system controller and base plate allows you to control our MicroCNC machines using a variety of software packages.  The CNC system controller is compatible with our range of multi axis CNC machines.  The base plate includes all power supplies and an industrial standard computer with stepper motor driver circuitry and a USB port for connection to your PC.  The unit is fitted with a single IEC mains connector and includes a number of output sockets for the stepper motors of the CNC machines.

The individual machine components are easily fastened to the base plate, providing a solid and tidy machine which can easily be put away for storage.  Windows compatible.  Includes safety guard.

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