Variable Power Supply with Flowcode v6

Since Matrixmultimedia has granted me acces to post some articles on the Matrix blog some time ago. I thought it was time to actually post something.

So I want to tell you about my latest project, of course I have more projects running at the moment but I have never finished something,which is a really bad habit, however I managed to finally found the time and effort to make this project to the finish line. I took a while to complete this project (about 1 year) but I’m proud to present my very own variable power supply.

Power Supply front view

As you probably noticed I’m not that great with the photo camera 🙂


The purpose of this post / project report is to let you all know what I have made on my own and to show others what is possible with the flowcode software. the software that drives this power supply is all written in flowcode. But thats not the only reason why I’m using this blog, the real reason is to help others and tell them how I’ve done this, in this way at least thats what I think, is to give my experience to others that also want to make such a power supply.

In the process of going from Idea to working prototype doesn’t go very smooth, the opposite is true. Although this project has cost me a ton of money, no serious i think this project has cost me round about €1200,- which is crazy or maybe even stupid. But for that number, I have learned so much, and I had a lot of fun doing it. That’s just the point for me, and for that very reason I would like to say ” that  money well spent”.

I have created a project report document, in which I kind of tell me story in how this project has come along. also in the next document I will go further in some of the design decisions I have made, also I would like to highlight what went wrong before and after testing the system, and how I have fixed this.

The last thing I want to say is, don’t hesitate to ask me any question you have.

PS. Please don’t ask me to give the software / schematics, because I won’t. The reason and it a very simple one:

“You only learn something when you do something yourself and fail, fail hard. because when you fail you learn the most”

Kind regards,

Jordy Kleian

Variable Power Supply Flowcode v6

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