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Core Concepts, Versatile Solutions: Study Mechanics with Ease

Portable and storable equipment designed for the classroom.

Fundamental Mechanics Double Beauty Shot

 Fundamental Mechanics Overview

The fundamental mechanics range offers equipment for studying core mechanical engineering principles, including statics, materials, dynamics, and mechanisms, with experiments across eight kits.

These can be combined into a single, robust, and storable education system.

Additionally, kits for Linear and Rotational Dynamics with data-logging and Thermodynamics are also available.

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Built for education

Matrix equipment is built with education in mind. 

Rugged metalwork and sturdy storage mean that our equipment is made for use in a learning environment. 

Stored in Gratnell’s trays, equipment can be easily stored away, allowing for a multi-use educational lab.


The Fundamental Mechanics range now covers over 50 individual experiments, across eight different solutions. 

Statics, Materials, Dynamics, Mechanisms, Dynamics Plus and Mechanisms Plus are available to buy as a complete set. 

Linear & Rotational Dynamics and Thermodynamics are available seperately. 

Fundamental Mechanics Solutions

For each solution, a set of experiments are easily interchangeable onto a sturdy metal panel.

All solutions are stored in a Gratnell’s tray for easy and convenient storage. 

A full and comprehensive curriculum provides full learning with student worksheets and teachers notes. 

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Fundamental Mechanics Solutions

Motion Studies with Wireless Dynamic Carts

REF: CP0692

The linear and rotational dynamics kit includes a wireless dynamics system, wireless rotary motion sensor and accessories kit and 2 wireless light gates.

Suitable for:

Motion Studies with Light gates (Spanish)

REF: CP2690

The linear and rotational dynamics kit includes a wireless dynamics system, wireless rotary motion sensor and accessories kit and 2 wireless light gates.

Suitable for:

Motion Studies with Light gates (French)

REF: CP2690

The linear and rotational dynamics kit includes a wireless dynamics system, wireless rotary motion sensor and accessories kit and 2 wireless light gates.

Suitable for:

Motion Studies with Light gates

REF: CP2690

The linear and rotational dynamics kit includes a wireless dynamics system, wireless rotary motion sensor and accessories kit and 2 wireless light gates.

Suitable for:

Mechanisms Fundamentals (Spanish)

REF: CP2840

This module allows students to investigate systems using gears, belts and linkages using practical investigations.

Suitable for:

Electrical Machines & MATLAB Control (French)

REF: CP8385

Teaches students how to use MATLAB to measure the characteristics of electrical machines.

Suitable for:

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Software Resources

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Example Resources

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Mild steel specimen for the tensile tester kit


Aluminium specimen for the tensile tester kit
