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Teach and learn robotics, your way

Program your AllCode device with:

  • Flowcode
  • Raspberry Pi
  • Android & Apple
  • Windows & OS X
  • Visual Basic/C#/C++

AllCode is host independent and used with a variety of languages:

Android logo Apple logo Arduino logo Flowcode logo Windows logo Python logo MATLAB logo Raspberry Pi logo MPLAB logo Linux logo C++ logo Hidden Template

What is AllCode?

AllCode is a new concept in programming. All our AllCode products are host independent, run on a powerful 16bit dsPIC microcontroller and can be used with just about any programming language, including Flowcode, MATLAB, LabVIEW, Python, App Inventor, Visual Basic/C#/C++ and more.

Both Formula AllCode and the Robot Arm production cell are provided with free curriculum, helping you to get the most out of your new robotics solution. These courses include a range of activities with varied levels of difficulty: from simple line following to maze solving with the Formula AllCode robot buggy, and API control to automatic pick and place with the AllCode Robot Arm production cell.

Formula AllCode

Formula AllCode with Android

Program Formula AllCode with any Android device. Use programs such as App Inventor to directly control the robot. You can also use many other platforms to control the robot such as OS X or Linux. Available accessories include maze walls and a football pitch.

Formula AllCode has a full API and can be accessed from any programming language that allows for interaction with a Bluetooth module.

Robot Arm

Formula Allcode following a line

The robot arm production cell consists of a rugged stepper motor controlled 3 degrees of freedom arm bolted to a base plate and supplied with activity mat that provides a range of exercises to replicate an industrial robot arm.

The free instructional guide includes worksheets in pendant, G code, API and microcontroller programming, sensors and actuators, kinematics and more.