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Matrix TSL Learning and Teaching Courses

Hydropower energy

REF: CP6370

The Hydropower Energy teaching solution introduces students to the fundamentals of water turbines, The self-contained kit is supplied with fast assembly GARENA linking system allowing quick connection common water taps.

Suitable for:

Renewable Energy Storage Technology

REF: CP9679

The Renewable energy storage technology teaching solution offers students a modular, self-contained platform to study the fundamental principles of storage technology essential for sustainable energy transition.

Suitable for:

BioMass Cycle

REF: CP4772

The Biomass cycle teaching solution enables students to recreate and understand the complete biomass cycle independently, without additional equipment.

Suitable for:

BioFuel Production

REF: CP8381

The Biofuel Production teaching solution offers a hands-on demonstration of the biofuel production process through structured student experiments.

Suitable for:

Advanced Smart Grid Systems

REF: CP8709

The Advanced Smart Grid Systems teaching solution offers students a complete modular setup for gaining an in-depth understanding of complex interactions between renewable energy sources, energy storage, and consumers on a laboratory scale.

Suitable for:

Advanced Thermal Energy

REF: CP3985

The Advanced Thermal Energy teaching solution offers students a comprehensive modular setup to explore various solar thermal energy transformation technologies at a laboratory scale.

Suitable for: